Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five


Thor still held me tightly when I woke up. It was incredibly blissful to know that one person in my life would do anything for me. However, my heart was also troubled. Loki was unstable. Ander was dead or dying. I didn't quite belong in the palace. If all else failed, Thor was there for me.

The fact that Thor loved me so made it hard for me to still love Loki. There was no doubt in my head that I loved Loki, but Thor still held his own in my heart.

I shook the thoughts away for the time being. It did me no good to think that way. Just be calm, Lienna. You will be fine.

Thor got up suddenly and effortlessly, then turned to look at me. Pain and loneliness clouded his bright blue eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," I whispered. "It breaks my heart."

"When you work so hard to win someone's heart just to find you can't have it after all, then you will know what a broken heart details," Thor replied, his voice full of the deepest sorrow.

I stood up and put my hand on his cheek. "I want to make this better, Thor, I really do, but at this point, no one's life is going well. For the time being, all I can do is be near you and offer my company." I sighed, knowing this was probably nothing to heal his broken soul. "I know it's nothing at all to console you or fix your heart, but-"

Thor tipped my head toward his and kissed me. It was a long kiss, and it felt like sinshine after rain and the loss of a loved one at the same time. It was a symphony of angels and the sobs of those who had fallen. It was defeat and victory. It was seeing your significant other after a long time apart, then learning they no longer cared. Somehow, it meant the world but it also told me that we weren't meant to be.

When Thor pulled away, he hugged me close, stroking my hair. "You have my blessing to marry him, but if you think for one second that I will deny you if he hurts you, you are wrong."

"Thank you, Thor. I won't ever forget this, or you." I wanted to say more. I wanted to give him the piece of my heart we both knew he deserved. But I was afraid that if I did, my affection for Loki would lessen or I would cut myself on the edges of a broken person.

I left his room feeling better than I had in a long time. I still didn't know what I would say to Loki, but I decided that I needed to see him soon. The ring he had given me was still on my finger, and was a promise that I wouldn't forget him.

I found Frigga first. She always seemed to be near me when I needed help.

"Frigga!" I called.

She turned to see me and smiled, one that was oddly similar to Loki's when he told me he loved me. "What is it, dear?"

"Am I allowed to see Loki?"

Frigga stared at me, searching my face for a long time. Her expression went from caring to hard, one that was unfamiliar on her face. "Why?"

I twisted the ring on my finger. "I want to know if he's alright, what his punishments are. I have every right to know. We're engaged."

Frigga's expression softened. "For a moment I thought you were going to tell him it was over."

"This would be a horrible time to do that if I planned on that," I responded.

"Indeed. I was just on my way to visit him, come with me," Frigga said, her smile finally returning.

I nodded, following her.

She lead me not to the dungeon as I was grimly expecting, but rather a room with a lock on the door. Frigga nodded at a guard, who unlocked it.

She stepped in, not missing a beat. Frigga was the perfect example of a queen, graceful, wise, and punctual. I admired her greatly.

As we walked in, I took note of the shimmering, transparent barriers that they used to seal in cells in the dungeon that were covering the windows. The room was larger than expected, with a vaulted ceiling and a whole wall of bookshelves. It was well furnished, and only one person occupied a chair.

With wildly tousled hair, a frown on his porcelain face, and a book in his lap sat the person I was expecting. The person who always seemed to surprise me and attract me.



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