White Flag

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After the events of last night, Maddie had spoken to her mom and made the deal to come back after the semester ended. New York was no longer Maddie's favorite place.

For now she vowed to worry about school and her reputation.

Maddie headed to campus early to talk to Professor Chamberlain about the assistant position. It was a prestigious role and looked good on resumes.

"Morning Professor Chamberlain. I'm Madeline Rose. I'm taking your psychology for Business class and I was here to discuss the assistant spot" Maddie greeted.

"Ms.Rose it's nice to meet you unfortunately though I just filled that spot" Professor Chamberlain said as Chuck comes walking out of her office.

"Next time maybe?" Chuck whispered in Maddie's ear before walking with the professor down the corridor.

Maddie annoyed with Chuck's little war headed to class.

Maddie as she scribbled her notes received a blast from gossip girl with her name on it.

Apparently our Princess has been somewhat of a whore. STDs? Who's the prince she's been sleeping with?

Maddie looked at her phone shocked. Chuck was taking this too far.

Later that night Maddie attended the Hamilton House party where the deans and professors were able to mingle with the most elite students who were in invited.

She was hoping to forget about the blast today and just stay under the radar.

"Dean Rutherford it's great to see you" Maddie greeted.

"Ms. Rose, I had received an email today saying your are exchange sex for grades. There is a strict professor and students policy"

Maddie scrambled to find her phone to prove she hadn't sent that email.

"My phone is gone. Someone had to have taken it and sent that email" Maddie tried to explain. The dean, however, wasn't believing her.

"Maddie" Vanessa called out.

"Have you seen my phone?" Maddie asked.

"Yes Juliet took it. Here you can call from mine" Vanessa said handing over her cellphone. Maddie called her number and found that Vanessa had her cellphone in her bag.

"Why do you have my phone? Did you send out that email about me? Look just because you hooked up with Chuck once doesn't mean you need to team up with him on this little war" Maddie said disgusted.

She grabbed her cellphone and left the party at once figuring it was safer to be anywhere but there. Maddie walked into the bar.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A man asked from behind taking a seat next to her. He was good looking and seemed to not know who Maddie was.

"Martini dirty" Maddie said to the bartender.

"I'm Maddie"


The two continued talking over drinks before Maddie realized it was quite late and she had class tomorrow.
The next morning slightly hungover Maddie headed to class.

"I'm sorry is this psychology of business?" Maddie asked someone. She had switched from professor Chanberlain's to the last open section of the semester.

Maddie went to open the door when she ran into the man from the bar.

"Colin?" Maddie said.

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