Chapter 11

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Edaline was beaming, Sophie was nervous but slightly defiant; her back was straight and determination glinted in her eye. Grady was.........well he was Grady. 

Keefe wasn't usually this nervous when he saw Sophie's father. This was probably due to the fact that his arm was wrapped around Sophie's waist and Grady was staring daggers with more vigour than normal. 

"Dad" Sophie began. 

"Sophie" he replied, staring straight at Keefe. "I think that when we get home we are having a very long talk"

Keefe gave Sophie a hug and then turned to go to the Vacker's Leapmaster.

"That B-"

Edaline elbowed him, hard.

"Keefe" he grumbled. "Can come too"

It was less of an invitation and more of a demand. But Keefe obliged and after they had bid their friends goodbye with promises to see them at school they leaped to the grounds of Havenfield.

"Keefe, I think you should come to my office"

Sophie was about to protest but Keefe spoke.

"Of course, Lord Reuwen"


Hi Guys, sorry this is a bit short I just wanted to get another part in but the next one should be a bit longer. Thanks again for all the reads, votes and comments they mean the world.

How do you think Grady will react?

xoxo Mollie

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