A Formidable Ally

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5:50 AM

Hinata can be seen diving without receiving the ball and ends himself doing it with a fail.

"Hey, your feet stopped short! What happened to your serve, receiving reflexes from yesterday? You need to focus!" Kageyama yelled.

"I've had enough of receiving. We're running out of time, dude! I wanna spike too! I wanna jump too!" Hinata whined.

"Go jump around, then!" Kageyama yelled back.

"Hey, you guys. I should give you fair warning. Daichi is usually gentle, but he's extremely scary when he gets angry. I mean extremely." Tanaka said with a bit nervous about his tone.

"We know." The two replied.

"But he did find a way to make them practice. Why is he still afraid of that?" Zorome asked.

"Have you saw him ask permission from Daichi? No, right? So he'll be really screwed if Daichi finds out that they practiced for their match on Saturday." Ishigami said.

"His face looks scary, but also feel fear." Mitsuru uttered.

"It won't be good if he finds out about this practice. It won't be good for me. Not that I'm scared or anything. Absolutely not. Not in the least.

Anyway, we're the only ones that know about this extra-early practice, so make sure that you..." Tanaka was stopped when someone opened the door.

"Oh? So you are practicing already." The person is known to be Suga said.

"Suga!" Tanaka said.

"Hey." Suga replied.

'He's a third-year.' Hinata thought. Tanaka and Sugawara talked about him having the keys for the gym and this made Tanaka look nervous.

"Relax. I won't tell Daichi. This is like secret training or something. It's kind of thrilling." Sugawara said, making the three feel relief.

"Is there anything wrong if they knew that they practiced?" Kokoro asked.

"They weren't allowed to enter the gym after what they did last time. So if they got caught once again, they can't play with the volleyball team anymore." Fujiwara said.

"Rules are rules in this world, Kokoro." Kaguya said.

"I see." Kokoro replied.

The screen shows the title "A Formidable Ally" on it.

"Come and get it! Good, that was excellent." Tanaka said after hitting a perfect spike from Kageyama's toss. Hinata looked at them and failed to receive the ball from Sugawara.

"Hinata, don't get distracted." Sugawara said.

"I want to hit the ball too. Set for me too. You love the setting, don't you? So set for me too! Just one. Just try me out once." Hinata begged.

"Hell no." Kageyama replied while looking away. Giving Hinata and the others a shocking look.

"Come one! Quit being a spoilsport!" Hinata yelled.

"Yeah!" Tanaka added. Kageyama suddenly spikes the ball to Hinata who receives it but lets the ball flew away.

"That one came right at you. Sets and attacks only come after a receive. Stop acting like your hot shit when you can't even manage that.

For the three-on-three match this Saturday, I'm going to set for Tanaka as much as I can. Let him do the attacking. As for you, just try not to hold us down." Kageyama said.

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