first date?💏

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I know the previous chapter was  so boring.... sorry for that... but in this chappy you'll get rikara scene...🤗😍😍
Loooonnnngggg chappy...
2600 words...
Don't get bore by reading because it's have only rikara scenes.....

First date???? ...

***************First date????

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That same night....

Gauri is sitting on her room...on mattress....
Thinking about all the events has happened today....
Ansh and piya were slept....
Gayatri also slept in the hall...

Her phone ring....
She saw the caller Id and gritted her teeth....

"Can't this monster even leave in the night? Don't I deserve a peaceful sleep? "

She cut the call angrily.... yes you guess right.... it's ommkara who is calling her....

Her phone again ring....
She get irritates.....
She get up and come to the kitchen because she don't want to disturb anyone....

"What do you want now? What is left to destroy in my life? At least let me sleep"

She shout but lower voice....

"Don't talk to me like that Ok?"

Ommkara warn....

"I'll.... what you want? "

Gauri reply...
Ommkara gritt his teeth in anger.... only this girl have the nerve to talk with him like that.... he try to talk calmly....

"We are meeting in ABC restaurant tomorrow at 10 AM"

Ommkara said... no actually order....

"Oh really?  Great... enjoy by yourself then... cause I am not coming "

She said sarcastically.....

"See I am not asking you.... I am telling you .... you have no option you  get it.... you are coming and that's final .... I have something important to discuss "

Ommkara said in warning tone...

"Important?? Now what is left to discuss Han? And I know it's not a discussion but you are going to give me order.... cause of you I lost my friend Arjun... and now aarohi also angry on me.... I am not going to obey  you again  .... did you get it"

Gauri said bravely....

Gauri said bravely

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