Chapter 33 - Pt 1: I Don't Want You To Leave

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  • Dedicated to All The Beautiful Fans Of SDLF ❤

Author's Note: Okay, so originally this was supposed to be the last chapter but I got to writing it and I decided it would have been way too long if I put everything in it, so I'm putting it in two parts. This is part one. Part two should be up tomorrow - well technically today since it's 2 a.m. where I am. Then after part two is up, I'll work on the epilogue. I know it'll be up between tomorrow's date and the 1st of December. So be looking for it in between those days. Thanks for all of your support on this story guys. So after this, one more chapter and an epilogue, promise. :D

The summer, well what’s left of it that is, flies. It literally flew by so fast that I can barely even believe it. Ryder and I have done so much stuff. Just for fun, since our days together were limited. We went to the hospital a few times and saw Faith along with all of the other children. We went on like nine dates - Ryder likes taking me out, for some reason - I went to a few parties with Will and Todd. Ryder opted to stay when I went to the parties. And I even went scuba diving! Sarah took all of us out to the beach and we took a class then we went down for a while. Ryder revealed to me that he always wanted to sky diving, so he took classes, begged me to go with him and got mad at me for about an hour when I said no. I made it up to him by doing something else though, if you catch my drift.

We’ve been really careful though. Apparently Ryder has like three boxes of condoms in his drawer which he says were ‘just in case’, and after that first time, Hailey came to the clinic with me and I got birth control pills. Sarah found out, and she felt the need to sit down with me and have a, what she called ‘serious talk’. Pretty much all she said was, “Don’t do anything that you’ll regret later. Be safe. Blah, blah, blah. Never skip a day on taking your pill. Never.” But that’s pretty much it. She also recommended that I share the ‘milestone’ with my mom, which I told her I’d do it once I got home, but honestly if she doesn’t ask I’m not just gonna tell her. I mean, why would I? Talk about awkward.

Today is the dreaded date. Well the day before. Well, night actually. Today’s date is August 19th. I’m going home tomorrow. It seems a bit weird to say that. Because over the past three months, Vernon has been my home. And now I’m leaving. And I don’t know how long it’s gonna be until I see my favorite California family again. Texas isn’t right beside California. I can’t just hop in a cab and come, though I wish I could. Besides, if I could I would have caught a cab back home when I first got here, considering the fact that I really didn’t even wanna be here. Now it’s like I don’t even wanna leave. Pitiful, I know. But hopefully after I graduate high school next year, I’ll be able to come back. Maybe not for the entire summer, but for a little while. Ryder thought I was kidding, but seriously I may apply to UCLA. Early decision, of course.


          “I don’t want you to leave.” Ryder moans, from where his head is laying in my lap as we both stare blandly at the T.V.

There’s some Christmas movie on, but neither of us are actually watching it. That’s a pet peeve I have. Christmas Movies coming on before Christmas. I mean, sure it’s okay when it’s like the beginning of December, maybe even the end of November, but August? Really? Gosh. It’s almost as bad as the McDonalds McRib, the two have no direct correlation, but neither is really liked out of season. Right?

I sigh, “I don’t want to leave.”

          “Maybe your mom will let you live with us!” He exclaims.

I shake my head, putting my hand in his hair, playing with it absentmindedly. “I doubt it.”

          “You’re probably right.” Ryder sighs. “I’m gonna miss you.”

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