Chapter 27: A different side to Poseidon

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A/N: Be prepared guys, this chapter is darker than usual.

Poseidon's POV

I'm rolling on the floor. Literally rolling with laughter. Rhea told me what Gabe had done to Sally. At first I was furious but when she told me that she had gotten her revenge, I am in stitches.

"Dad, calm down. People are going to think I attacked you or something. Your mer-guards are already staring at us weirdly," she said to me, giggling all the way at my reaction.

"I can't. Every time I think about it, it sends me into another fit of laughter," I reply, still laughing.

"What's going on here?" Triton asks, walking in to our family area.

"She...she...ha," I say, wheezing out my words, trying to explain.

"Dad lost his mind," Rhea tells Triton.

Triton gives her a look, and she spills everything that happened.

"That's evil. Pure evil," he says, his booming laughter echoing along with mine.

It took us another ten minutes before we calmed down and headed down to lunch. After lunch I ushered Triton to my office to plan my revenge on Gabe Ugliano. What he did to Sally is unacceptable and it probably wasn't the first time he hurt her. And what sets me off even more is that Rhea was there and has lived with this mortal for years. What if he hurt her? What if he has hurt her before and she hasn't said anything yet? No one hurts my family.

Triton went to keep Rhea and Sally busy. I told Amphitrite about what Rhea told me and she agreed with my plan. She has come to care for Sally as a good friend, she hasn't had many friends over the millennia.

I stepped into Sally's apartment, my lips curl in disgust at the smell. That human! Disgusting!

His stench is everywhere. I see his form slumped on the couch, snoring loudly.

I pick up one of his beer cans and throw it at his head. He startles awake, yelling incoherently.

"What are you doing in my apartment?! I'm gonna call the cops on your ass!" he shouts at me. I smirk at him as he struggles to get up from the couch.

"You see, Gabe, I am Rhea's father. And she just so happened to tell me that you hurt Sally a few days ago," I start and his face turns purple.

"You're the girl's father?" he asks in disbelief, finally standing up.

"I am, and I don't like you Gabe. You see, when I don't like someone, that someone normally doesn't live a very long, fulfilling life," I say, stepping closer to him, looking down at the fat man.

"You get out of my house now! Did Sally send you? Huh? Has she been seeing you behind my back? That cheating whore!" he yells out.

I grab his shirt, picking him up as if he weighs nothing. He screams out, kicking and punching, but I don't even feel them.

"Pathetic. A mortal like you, hurting one of the most amazing women that I know. A woman that mothered my first born daughter. You would dare hurt my family!" I say, throwing him down on the ground hard.

"Sally's my wife, I can treat her how I want. I didn't hit that girl. I only pushed her around a little," he says, trying to defend himself.

He what?!


No one knows what happened to Gabe Ugliano that day, no one but the god of the seas.

Poseidon would love nothing more than to strike Gabe down where he stood, but the ocean can be calm, until it's not.

The sea god threw him in the middle of the ocean. The confused mortal being thrown to and fro in ocean's deadly waves. He struggled for what felt like hours, but was only a mere ten minutes. He pleaded for help, he screamed and screamed, and no one besides the sea god could hear him.

He was all alone in the vast darkness of the ocean. And the ocean tore him apart.

No one will ever find his body. But his soul on the other hand...

Long before Gabe could ever reach the gates of Hades, Poseidon appeared before his brother and told him of a soul he annihilated. A soul that he took his sweet revenge on.

And now, even in death, Gabe will never find peace for the deeds he has done in his miserable life, for the god of the underworld loves his family, and has come to care for his niece in the short time he has gotten to know her. No one messes with his family.

Two brothers stood side by side in the dark room of the underworld, brought before them was none other than Gabe who was shaking as he was led towards the throne of judgment. When he finally looked up, fear in his features and he noticed the wicked smiles on their faces.

A/N: Let me know what you think. I know some of you wanted Gabe gone and so do I.

Do you like the darker, more protective side of Poseidon?

Thanks again for your comments and stars! Love it!

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