Luna Lovegood

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Since it's been kinda confusing all Parlseltongue will look like this: #Parseltongue#

Hari was walking down the corridor on her own when she saw four older boys two Gryffindors and two Ravenclaws cornering a small blond Ravenclaw girl. The girl looked scared, Hari pointed her finger at them to see what they were saying.

"Loony Loony Loony Lovegood!"

"What are the nargles saying today!?"

"Hearing voices Loony?"

Steeling herself, Hari stepped in front of the girl, wand raised. 

The usual words of light came from her wand: Leave her alone!

"Why should we do that?"

"Yeah, why? Are you gonna run to Dumbledore like the little pet you are?"

No, I'm just asking you to leave her alone.

"You think I'm scared of a squib third year, deafy?"

I'm not a squib

"Then why do you never do magic, only your stupid words....... do something, prove it." Said the bigger of the Gryffindors, he pushed her backwards. "Fight back!" he said as she did nothing.

She simply kept eye contact with him, staring up at him as he towered over her small frame. Bullies were something she was used to. She grew up with them, they were all she had known. Until she turned 11 people had never been kind to her......... A few teachers had tried during first year and primary, but the Durlseys got in the way..... After that she was just the deaf weird kid that popular kid Dudley hated, and if Dudley hated her, and beat her up regularly, why not everyone else..... And the teachers did nothing.... Adults never helped her....... Since then, she never really been able to trust anyone....... She had hoped that would change at Hogwarts, but-

She was jolted back into the moment as the Gryffindor pushed her again, "Fight back you coward, why did the hat even decide to put you in Gryffindor?!" He jeered.

Hari said two words, but that was all it took, #It didn't!#  she hissed in parsletongue menacingly.

The boys turned and ran, full tilt away from her. One shouting "You're a cowardly snake!" over his shoulder as he ran. Hari was used to it, she breathed in slowly then exhaled, calming herself, then turned to see the girl smiling whimsically. 

"Thank you, I'm Luna Lovegood by the way."

I'm Hari Potter

"I know, though I didn't know the hat didn't want to put you in Gryffindor.... strange....."

#You're a parslemouth?#

"No...... I can just hear peoples thoughts sometimes, often when they're speaking in a different language. Did you know that the blibbering humdinger can enable you to understand different languages if you let it sit on your head?"

#No, I didn't know that..... interesting though.#   Hari figured she might as well keep talking in the language, if Luna could understand it.

Just then Ginny ran up. "Hey Hari, thanks for helping Luna out."

# 'She was just telling me about an interesting creature.' #  She added sign language, hissing along as she went. Ginny stared slightly at the parseltongue, but shook her head.

'You know they aren't real right?' Ginny signed back, 'This is why they have few friends.' Hari took note of Luna's pronouns.

"You know I can understand you right?" Luna said, "And I believe they're real, even if it means I have no friends."

"No friends? Luna...." Ginny looked so sad, "Luna... what am I?"

"You just feel sorry for me......" Luna said.

"Hey.. No... I'm your friend...... don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Luna smiled, "Really?"


Luna's smile brightened, they looked at Hari, "Thanks again."

'I'll be your friend.' Hari signed, she didn't have to speak in parseltongue if Luna understood sign. 'If you'll have me.....'

"Two friends!" Luna looked so happy, then thy suddenly turned, and skipped away.

"They do that sometimes." Ginny said to Hari. "They're a little strange, but a good person. They doesn't deserve to be picked on, even though it doesn't really bother them. But what about you, I know people are being mean to you as well, how are you doing?"

'I'm fine..... I'm used to it..... never really been without it...' 

"Hari, I know it hurts you, you can't keep up a bold face forever... you should stand up for yourself, not just other people! What are you scared of?"

Hari faked a smile. 'No I'm fine, thanks."


"I have to get to class.' Hari said and turned on her heels, Ginny having gotten a little too close to the truth for her liking. It was already bad enough that three people knew, she was fine with Severus knowing, Draco was a bit weird, but she hated that Dumbledore knew. He had known all along, and done nothing.

When Hari had discovered that she was a witch, she had been happy. She wasn't a freak, she had thought.... She had thought that she special. She could leave the Dursleys and the pain behind, but no.....

It was Dumbledore who had left her with them, forced her to go back. Even at the beginning when she could have gone with Sirius, but Dumbledore had placed her with the worse people possible.... The ones who would break her, bend her into his perfect little hero..... Over the summer she'd gone to Gringgots, she found her parent's backup wills. 

Apparently Dumbledore had illegaly erased the lines from the originals that stated that Hari never be sent to live with the Dursleys, but with Sirius. The goblins had discretely covered up the small explosion near vault number 687. She had told no one.

And Dumbledore had left her with them, without checking on her, or caring for the consequences..... She hated him, but she kept up her act, the perfect Golden Gryffindor, not hurt or scared..... A hero, not a small sad girl......

She kept up the act, kept it up like a glass chandelier, as the cracks in the ceiling slowly grew.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.... read them? I don't know..... 🙂

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