36. Heart.

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Chapter 36: Heart.

"Where are they, Valarie?" My mother asks me.

"They broke." I tell her and she falls to the ground, unmoving.

"HELP!!! JEREMEY!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Jeremy comes rushing into the living room.

"Miss, I-" He says but doesn't continue speaking as he takes in the scene before him.

"Call 911!!!" I order.

"I-I'm on it, Miss." He says before he runs out of the living room.

The ambulance arrives shortly after that and my mother is taken away in a stretcher. My father is out of town, so I head to the hospital alone. Leaving Alicia sleeping on the sofa.

"How is she?" I ask the nurse for the second time.

"I don't know, Miss. I'm sorry." She says before she walks away.

The service at this hospital sucks.

An hour later or so, the doctor comes out and tells me that I can see her now.

A wave of fear passes through my body as I walk towards her hospital room.

"She had a mild heart attack, but she's stable now." The doctor tells me once we are in the ward.

A heart attack?

I break down in tears and he just pats my back awkwardly.

I knew my mother was going to be mad at me, but I didn't expect her to have a fucking heart attack.

I've really messed up this time.

Now, seeing her in the hospital bed in tubes and drips, I know that the next time I fuck up, I'm just gonna lie.

"You can stay with her overnight. I'm going to check up on my other patients." The doctor tells me.

"Thank you." I tell him before he leaves.

I sit down on the brown sofa that's facing the bed and I stare at my mother. Her mouth is open due to the tube that's practically shoved inside it.

This sucks.

And where the hell is my dad?

I yawn in my seat as I put my feet on the sofa. It's going to be a long night.


I wake up and I see that I am wrapped in a blue blanket. The smell of coffee hits my nose instantly. I look towards the door and I see my dad sitting on the chair beside me. I let out a yawn as I stretch in my seat.

"Morning sunshine." My father chirps.

That's a lot of happiness coming from him when his wife is tied to tubes over here.

"Hey, Dad." I reply as I neatly fold the blanket, keeping it beside me on the sofa.

"You hungry, Kiddo?" He asks me.

"No, I'm fine." I tell him.

I can't really eat when my mother is like this.

"You sure?" He pesters on.

"Yeah. I don't really have an appetite." I tell him, standing up from the sofa.

I walk over to my mother and I grab her hand.

"I caused this." I say with remorse.

"No, you didn't." My dad says trying to make me feel better.

"Yes, I did. I had a party at the house. Okay. I broke the rules. You guys were supposed to be out of town, but then you came back, and then the police arrived. Her China plates got broken when the party had barely started." I say, looking down at my mother's sleeping figure.

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