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Joey had been uncharacteristically quiet since first picking Emma up from her parents' place. He'd simply thrown her a halfhearted smile and driven away. He said nothing about where they were headed. It unnerved her and she could feel the unease down to her toes.

Ten minutes passed and the city came into view. Gone were the suburbs. The silence finally got to her. "What is your problem?" she eventually asked Joey. Emma liked silence except when it felt awkward.

Joey had both hands on the wheel. He shrugged. "I don't have a problem. Do you have a problem?"

She growled lowly. "No, you have a problem. You've been quiet and you're never quiet." Not that she knew anyway.

He chuckled. "I'm just waiting."

"For what?"

"For you to tell me what happened." He looked at her and smirked. "I'm a patient man so, by all means, take your time."

"Not happening," she grumbled. She crossed her arms and stared out the window. She could see him shake his head in her peripheral vision.

"The quicker you talk about your frustration, the less frustrated you'll feel."

"Or," she countered quickly, "the more you bug me, the more frustrated I'll be with you." He laughed and Emma grit her teeth. She was irritated enough with her sister; she did not need him added to the list. If only he'd stop always having a comment back. Emma liked having the last word.

Joey turned up a busy street. Emma didn't recognize her surroundings. "Can you just tell me where we're going?" she asked him. Her patience was wearing very thin. It was rare for her.

"Tell me what's got you feeling so miserable," he answered instead.

"I don't owe you anything." Did she sound as juvenile as she felt?

"No, you don't but it will help."

"You're not a therapist." she muttered.

"Wouldn't want to be."

"Do you need to have an answer for everything?" she asked in exasperation.

"Do you always have so much to say?" He was grinning.

"Stop that!" she said loudly.

"But it's so fun."

"You're annoying."

"You're beautiful," he answered back. She paused. She looked down at her outfit. She hadn't changed. She still looked like she'd tumbled out of bed.

She rolled her eyes. He was just trying to trick her. She was smarter than that. "You're full of it."

"Full of awesomeness, I know."

She groaned. "Just shut up. You're giving me a headache."

Joey laughed before he turned and pulled the car to a stop along the curb. He looked at her expectantly and she stared back. Eventually, he sighed. "Are you coming or not?"

"I don't know where we are," she stated plainly.

"Do you always worry this much?" he asked.

"Only when I'm out with strange men."

"You make it a habit of being with strange men?" he asked and then blinked. "Wait a minute," he leaned forward. "I'm not a stranger."

She fought her grin. "I barely know you."

"You've known me long enough and we've done enough. I'm not a stranger."

She blushed. She could clearly remember all that they'd done. "Doesn't change the fact I've known you only two weeks."

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