Rini Imagine: "What are tampons?" (Mature Content)🩸😳

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Nini's POV:

*Three Weeks Ago in the East High Cafeteria*

Gina, Kourtney, Ashlyn, Natalie and I were sitting a lunch table when Kourtney brought something unexpected up.

"Girls, I have big secret." Kourtney whispered to the group.

"Oooh. Since when does my best friend have secrets?" I teased Kourtney.

"You know that guy, Adam I've been seeing? Last night he invited me over to his house and we had sex. His parents were on a work trip." Kourtney exclaimed happily.

"Congrats girl! I didn't know you were ready to talk about that stuff." Ashlyn said.

"Big Red is too shy and isn't ready for this mature stuff. It's okay I'm not either." Ashlyn replied to her own comment

"Ever since, that dumb health class that Miss Jenn was covering for, all the students have been interested in sex lately. Miss Jenn doesn't know a thing about health class." Natalie said laughing afterwards.

"Since E.J is at Utah State College, it's been hard to see him or even go on a date." Gina frowned.

"It's ok Gina. Nothing fancy has happened with Ricky and me. I just stopped my birth control pills. "I told her while hugging her side.


AP Biology class was the only class that I didn't have with any of my theatre friends. It was my least favorite class, but I was only taking it for college credit.

"Pssst. Nini are you still a virgin?" One of the guys whispered to me before the teacher walked in.

"She's definitely a virgin." A guy wearing a letterman jacket said snickering.

"Awwww. Ricky and Nini the cutest childhood friend couple." One of the cheerleaders mocked the guys.

"Would you guys please shut up? I'm studying for the quiz we have today." I said harshly. I didn't know I had that in me.

"Someone's moody today." Another guy snickered.

I hadn't had a chance to tell Ricky about the bullies in AP Bio yet. He thought my senior year was going great since I got the part as Belle in the musical and I'm always smiling in the halls, but things are not the same without Ricky protecting me.

*Present day, Nini's Room*

My moms were out on a work trip and the house was quiet. So I invited Ricky over for some company.

"Ricky, I'm ready." I said kissing his lips and pulling at his shirt.

Ricky pulled away and let go of the kiss, unexpectedly.

"Ready for what?" Ricky said in a surprised tone.

"I think you should ask one of your guy friends what 'it' means." I said pulling away from the kiss.

"Nins, is something wrong?"

"Ask E.J" I said frowning.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ricky said making sure his shirt was on right.

"You didn't do something again. Ricky we're seniors and it's the year to make rebellious decisions and go to parties. I don't want to be the shy conservative theatre girl anymore."

"Nini, you are definitely not any of that, you are beautiful, and you don't need to go to parties and be rebellious senior year. This isn't like you at all."

"Just ask E.J about it ok. I'm sure he knows what it is now that he's in college. I have homework to do. You can either stay and watch me do it or leave, which would be less awkward."

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