{Do You Love Me?}

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A/n: Konichiwa...

You: Where have you been?!

Me: 😐 The question is, where have you gone?

Guyz, it's been for how long has it been since I've updated in this book. And sorry not sorry, this isn't my fault. I'm sorry, but yes, I'm accusing you guys.

As of now, there are a total of three locked chapters in this book, namely;

You're My Destination (Level 2)
Mine, and Only Mine (Level 1)
Please Heal Her! (Level 2)

They're all kinda preserved in the freezer now, so please, if ya wanna read them anytime soon, comment 'why not?'. I'm really truly sorry to pressure you guyz, but I'm also sorry for myself for writing these stories only to turn out that they'd be rotting in my draft list.

And if you all think I'd be taking down the 'key' rule, don't even start, 'cause I ain't doin' it. I was really excited to publish this book that I even planned to have a twist, so I can't just give up on it yet!

Plus, if I did take down the main reason for this Oneshot/Short Story book to exist, then I'll also have to remove the Key Master title which I've included in the TPC Collab list.

Now, ya think this is over? Ya think this is the reason I updated such crappy content? No. I actually want to publish this chapter, 'cause it includes yet, a really short(the shortest I've ever written) oneshot.

I decided, since only a few, no, none of you guyz even commented a single 'why not?', I'll be publishing short oneshots for free(as unlocked), and the long main short stories as locked. Which meant, ya don't have to open short oneshots, like I said, really short.

So this one is one of those short oneshots, and I hope you like it!

Onwards, pinksterz!💕

⚠Also, be warned that it may contain mild inappropriate words like, err, ya know what I mean. I said 'mild' cause they're a bit pretty hidden, so don't worry. 😉This is my first time writing something like this, so please don't judge meh.


Having Sans by her side was really something she didn't expect to happen. I mean, she's just some good for nothing nerd, who happens to end up dating with the one of the school's most popular guys.

"Heard about that Paul guy, eh punk?" A voice erupted near her, which made her jump a little in surprise.

"Yeah, isn't he one of those famed boy groups in school? The one Melissa was dating with?" She responsed, adjusting her messed-up round thin-brimmed eyeglasses.

The voice's beholder; a redheaded blue fish lady, nodded, "He cheated on her."

"What?! Undyne, you can't be serious." She exclaimed in shock. Melissa was a friend of theirs, and the fact that her boyfriend actually cheated on the girl made it hard to believe.

One of the school's favorite sweethearts, it was impossible for this to happen, especially when both really loved each other.

"Heck, I am!" Undyne boomed, "He went for that Stella britch, and was caught on the act. I heard he did that for his reputation, since Melissa is a nerd, and that many don't approve of them together, which made him feel weak." She paused, gritting her sharp teeth, "If I see that fricking bastard again, imma kill that drick off piece by piece for hurting our friend!?"

Frisk giggled at her friend's overpotective nature, "Now, now, Undyne. There's no need for any violence... But I think Paul really deserves to get a piece of his mind." She frowned, thinking of how Melissa would've felt.

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