Chapter 14

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The Second Day

"(Y/N)..?" You wake up to Link's calling.

You rose up from bed. "Link? Akari?"

"We're here." Akari said, softly. "How are you feeling?" Link asked. "I feel normal.." You responded. Link gave a hopeful smile. "C'mon. We've got plenty to do." He said. "Right."


You and Link headed out from Ordon village to anywhere. Heading to the Eldin and Lanayru spring. At Kakariko village, you saw your people being taken care of. Heading towards them, they saw you and bowed down. "No, no. Please." You said. "You all don't need a ruler."

Turning to the shaman, you gave a thank you for them. Eldin spring didn't work. Going to Lake Hylia, it look so lovely. Lanayru didn't work either.

You and Link made a stop outside to rest for a while. You turned to Link, who had taken a nap already. Just seeing him made you sleepy enough. You passed out right there.

"The curse is forever." You heard. You wake up at the castle, your home. "Your own spirit made that curse. The hero knew and didn't do anything." It was trying to get to you. You ran out of the room you were in. "Let me out!"

You saw a beast out of the shadows appear. Running from it, it was creeping up to you. "No!!!"

You screamed as you wake up, scaring Link. "What- Huh?!" You felt sting in your chest that made you scream even more. "(Y/N)!" Link and Akari shouted. You stood up. "It's gone..It's gone.." You huffed. Link grabbed you. "I have another choice, but I don't know if it'll work." He said.

Going back to Castle town, through one of the hidden roads, you two went to the Fortune teller's shop.

"Love or career, my love?" She asked. "Uhh..100 to tell me about her future.." Link whispered, showing a silver rupee. "I'm afraid I cannot do that. I can do it, but I can't give out someone else's future like that. It'll change everything.." She said. Link looked down. You left the place, like if it wasn't a surprise to hear that.

Link wasn't much to beg, but he did in this case. "I will tell you this, boy. Take care of her. Don't leave her side." She looked at him. Link sighed. He paid then left to you. "Thanks for trying." You told him. Link had a final idea.

The fortune teller came out screaming. "She will bring doom to us all!! We have to kill her before it's too late!! The gods may punish us, but we'll be alive!!" She pointed at you. Every citizen looked at you. Some of them got too close. Link placed his arm as a barrier to keep them from hurting you. He held your hand tightly. "Don't let go, just follow me."

You two ran from the Hylians. Link went through all streets to lose them from following you two. You crouched and sneaked into another road that didn't lead anywhere but to the bar. The bar.

Entering the bar, you saw Telma. You smiled. "Telma! Telma!" You got close to her. She look at you with a blank expression. "Welcome, welcome. Can I serve you anything?" She asked.

"Telma, it's me, (Y/N)."

"I'm sorry, who?"

Link came in. "How about me? Link!"

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