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Olivia's POV:

"Excuse me, out of the way, move!" I yelled at some random people.

Way to embrass yourself Liv!

"Hey Ethan!" I said walking over to him casually.

"Oh hey Liv, I thought that you were with the girls right now?!"

"Yeah, well I finally came to my senses!"

"Ok, I'm sorry, I lied when I said that I was busy, I just made up an excuse not to hang out with you and I'm sorry!"

"Wait, is this a joke?!"

"Umm no, it's pretty real!"

"So this whole time, you haven't trusted me!"

"That's not true, I do trust you Ethan, I just.."

"You just what Liv?"

"My mind has been on something else!"

I don't know why but as soon as I said that, I realised that I had only made things worse. I am stressed with my mom. I don't know what to do anymore and all I keep thinking about is the fact that I have to act like Josh's girlfriend!

"What exactly?!"

"I dunno ok?!" That was a lie, I just couldn't tell him about everything that has been going on!

"Liv, I don't know if we can be friends again or even if I can trust you anymore!"

He started to walk away from me. I could feel tears in my eyes as Frankie and Joe tried to console me. Everything is falling apart and it's all my fault!

"Liv, don't beat yourself up ok, you did the right thing!" Frankie says in my ear before I rush back to the dorm.

I ran inside and locked the door. All I could remember was that my vision was going blurry. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. It was like the whole world was ending in front of my very eyes.

I felt like I couldn't breathe!

I needed help!

Aah, poor Liv. We definitely need to protect Liv now am I right! Where is the Olivia protection squad?!

Also, I asked if people in my last chapter wanted me to tell you my name. I have decided to be brave and tell you!

My name is Emily btw

Ok, stay safe babes

I love you guys


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