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Before Arlo had realized, they had already arrived at the front gates of the palace.

The large gates opened as a fanfare played.

Gale walked in and everyone else followed.

There were knights guarding the building from almost every corner.

He walked in.

The castle fit the description of every story of castles he had ever heard. Large, stone walls, four pillared towers on each corner, and on the opposite end of the gates, a large, large structure, right at the center.

Even though they were in the castle, they still had a decent amount of time left to visit the king's throne.

Onkarden's knights came around and kept an eye of them.

Arlo could tell that their own soldiers had tensed up, nervous.

After they reached the door, Gale spoke again.

"Soldiers, stay here. Your commanders will meet the king."

"Yes sir!" a soldier cried.

Gale, Alice, and Arlo stood at the front doors to the home of Onkarden.

Two knights opened the door, and through the door he saw a skinny man dressed in royal clothes, sitting at the throne.

It was Onkarden, king of Zealorus.

He was rather strange-looking, almost like a man that had gone insane. He had large bags under his eyes and a crooked mouth.

"Are you the ones they call the 'Endeavors'? " Onkarden's voice was shrill.

"We are three of the commanders of the Endeavors."

"How fun." Onkarden laughed.

"Why were we called to meet you?" Asked Gale.

"I don't know." Onkarden shrugged, putting a hand on his chin.

Arlo bit his lip.

"Oh! That's right! I know! I wanted to work with your army!"

"Pardon, your Majesty?"

"I will give you my army to overthrow Vaequiles!" Onkarden laughed as he threw his arms into the air.

Alice looked over at Arlo with a worried look, and Arlo gave one right back at her.

"We would appreciate that." Gale spoke.

"Heheheh... you can bring them with you today!"

"Alright. Could you show us your army?"

"Oh, right! I'll call them over. I have hundreds of soldiers at my fingertips!" He said rubbing his hands.

He called for a his advisor, and he whispered in his ear.

The advisor quickly left the room.

"It'll take them a couple minutes." Onkarden said, rubbing his chin.

They remained silent in the throne room for about ten minutes, when the advisor returned, who whispered into the king's ear.

"They're here!" he exclaimed, "They're outside the gates."

"Thank you." Gale stood up from his kneeling position.

"Yes, yes. Now hurry along." Onkarden said, smiling.

They quickly stood up and walked out the front door.

As the two knights closed the doors behind them, Alice and Arlo let out a sigh of relief.

Gale looked back at them.

"Let's meet our new soldiers."

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