Season 2 - Snow Ball

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"Jesus," I whispered under my breath to Nancy. "I didn't know there were so many kids at this damn school."

Nancy laughed at me as I looked around at all of the kids at Hawkins Middle's annual Snow Ball, barely paying attention to the boy in front of me, waiting for punch.

"You're starting to sound like Steve," Nancy told me, handing the boy a cup. She was wearing a red-plaid dress to match the Christmas theme, and forced me to wear a short green one to 'be festive.'

"I am not," I said, poking her side, feeling the familiar butterflies in my stomach that appeared whenever someone mentioned his name.

It had been a month since El closed the gate, and since then, Steve had stuck to his word about the two of us looking after the party. That resulted in the two of us spending lots of time together, including multiple hangouts without the kids.

"You so are," Nancy giggled. I rolled my eyes at her as I ladled out some punch into another cup and handed it to a girl. How Nancy and I ended up manning the drink table, I had no idea. One minute Jonathan had been volunteering us for the school dance, and the next we were standing in a gym full of dressed up kids behind a table.

"I blame it on you, then," I said. Nancy shot me a questioning look to which I smiled. "If you and Jonathan stopped ditching me to make out, then I wouldn't be forced to spend time with Steve and the kids."

"Oh, stop it," Nancy blushed.

Her and Jonathan's relationship had bloomed in the past weeks, meaning I was left out a lot, but I found myself not caring all that much. I had Steve.

Just as I was about to serve another thirsty middle-schooler, I glanced out the door to see a BMW pulling up outside. My head perked up and I thrusted my cup at Nancy.

"I'll be right back," I said, tossing her a grin and stepping out from behind the drink table. I walked to the door, dodging some kids who were coming in, and walked outside just as my brother was stepping out of Steve's car.

It was dark outside, but I was still able to make out Dustin's blue tux and done-up hair. His curls flopped over his forehead and down the back with the rest up in a makeshift mullet. I smiled, knowing he had taken Steve's advice.

"Whaddya' think?" Dustin said as we walked toward each other on the path, my shoes clicking against the pavement.

"Do a little spin?" I said with a grin. While Dustin turned around for me to see the back, I looked toward Steve who sat in his car, watching us.

"So?" Dustin said, raising his hands to his hair.

"Absolutely perfect," I told him. His face lit up into a toothy smile and he started walking up to the school.

"You coming?" Dustin asked me when I didn't move from my spot. I instead glanced at Steve who was still parked at the curb, one hand placed on the steering wheel.

"In a sec," I told him. He nodded and kept going, and once he was inside, I walked over to Steve's car. I noticed Steve's usually sleek hair was a bit fluffier than normal, and it made me smile. "Hey."

"Hey," Steve responded with a smile of his own. "You like his hair?"

"I like that it looks like yours," I told him with a laugh. I leaned down slightly to look through the window. "Thank you for driving him."

It had been Steve's idea to drive him since Jonathan had driven Nancy and I earlier to set up, and my mother was occupied with our new kitten.

"It was no problem," Steve dismissed. "Do you need me to pick you guys up later?"

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