Chapter 17

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Loki POV

Seeing Serendipity lay in the water, reading a book in the way only she can, I realize that even though I act like I hate this job, it’s actually not horrible. We spend the day in one of our rooms or the pool usually, sometimes we wander around the ship. In the past couple weeks, Director Pirate has even come to tolerate me!

Even though there have been a few times that the little witch has had to ‘sober me up’ as she calls it; from her singing, my affections for her have only grown. Since that day she kissed me in the pool, I spend my time with her, and some days I wonder- what will we end up as? Right now, our time together is due to me being her bodyguard. What if one day… it wasn’t just that it was my job?

“Hey Loki,” The little witch calls from the pool. I get up and step into the doorway. I’ve learned that I am much less likely to be affected by her singing if there’s a wall between us. 

“Yes, little witch?” I respond, grinning. She always makes a face at me when I call her that, more so when it’s in front of others. 

“I want to try something.” She says, looking a little nervous. “Can you come here?” She asks me. I give her a questioning look, but peel my shirt off and get into the water. Her entire face turns red at the sight of me without a shirt, and I can’t help but smirk. 

“Enjoying the view?” I ask her. Her face turns an even darker red before she gives me an exhausted look. 

“Can you just come here?” She says, clearly trying not to look at anything other than my face. I take a deep breath and dive just under the surface and swim to her rock, as I have done several times a day for the past two weeks. I pop up by her rock and pull myself up. Serendipity shifts slightly closer to the wall, letting her tail slide a bit more into the water to make room for me. 

“What are you reading?” I ask her, already leaning over to try and get a glimpse of it, but she snaps it shut and sets it behind her. 

“You don’t want to know.” She says, serious. She’s never this serious unless it’s important. 

“Alright," I say, having said similar things before. "what do you need?” 

“Do you trust me?” She asks me, staring at me as if she could see into my soul. 

“Why?” I ask her, beginning to grow worried. 

“Do you trust me?” She repeats. 

“With my life.” I tell her, equally seriously. She nods, looking almost as if she were about to murder me. She leans towards me, and I hear a rising note from her. This is not a song for enchanting the water or persuading someone. I’ve seen them all, and this is not that. This is a song of drowning. As I realize what’s going on, I nearly fly off the rock. 

“I’m sorry for this.” She says, before going into a full song. Immediately, the only thing in the world is the water before me and the voices urging me to go to it. Telling me that the only way to live is in the water. I fight it for a minute, knowing what I’m going to think, but the song only rises, growing more complex and more convincing. 

I can’t control myself, I’m diving for the water, because it’s what I need. I’ll die if I don’t get into the water right now. However, a split second before I would hit the water, a tail slaps me in the chest, throwing me back onto the rock. I sit up, ready to dive again, but she climbs on top of me and I can’t get her off, but I need to get in the water. I need it now, more than anything else. She is stopping me from getting in the water, and she needs to move. By any means necessary. As I begin recalling a summoning spell for a dagger, a tiny voice in the back of my mind begins shouting at me. 

Don’t do it! You care for this woman, don’t do this! But I need to get to the water, and she is stopping me! But you don’t want to die! If you go to the water, you’ll die! No I won’t, the water will bring me alive. I will be more alive than anyone else in the entire universe. That won’t happen, and you know it! Think Loki, think! I shove her tail out of the way, and crawl towards the water once more, desperate. Suddenly, the song changes. What in Odin’s name am I doing? What in Odin’s name is she doing? 

As the song shifts into something new, I feel the urge to get to the water disappear. She’s singing, but nothing’s happening. It’s just a normal song! I freeze, turning around, staring at her. Seeing me being me, her whole face lights up. She falls forward, flipping over her tail, and wraps me in a crushing hug, sending us both crashing into the water. With her tail, we both start sinking, but I don’t worry. As soon as she remembers I can’t breathe underwater, which usually takes under ten seconds; she pulls us back to the surface, but all without letting go. 

“What just happened?” I ask her, extremely confused, but I feel a wave of exhaustion washing over me. 

“I found an author from a few hundred years ago who knew about us, about the guardians,” she says, exuberant. “She knew a couple of us, and she learned everything she could about us. The most common problem of a guardian having human- or asgardian friends,” She corrects. “Is that your voice could harm them. So they found a way to give someone immunity to their voice!” 

I process what she just said, and it hits me like a brick thrown at my head. 

Her voice can’t harm me. 

Her voice can’t harm me!

“Serendipity, this is amazing!” I tell her, also indescribably excited. I throw my arms around her now, and plant a kiss on her cheek. She blushes, and I feel embarrassed, but the familiar chill of a blush doesn’t seem to appear. All at once, I’m aware of how tired I am, my eyes suddenly growing heavy. 

“Ahhh, there it is.” She says, nodding. I stare at her, so tired I can’t even form an expression. “It’s a lot of work to override your natural response to the song, which is what I just did, essentially, so you are going to be very tired. Well, are very tired.” She explains. 

“Let’s get you to bed, Loki,” She says, already swimming to the door. As I nearly fall asleep just getting to the doorway, she just directs me to her bed. I protest, but she insists. 

“You aren’t gonna be able to walk to your bed, and I can’t carry you, so you need to borrow mine. It’s fine, I don’t need it right now,” she assures me. I would like to remind her what everyone else would assume if they saw me in her bed, but I’m too tired, so I just nod, and stumble into her bed. Now possessing a pair of legs, the little witch throws a blanket on top of me. As I fall asleep before I even close my eyes, I realize that her legs actually look very nice. Very very nice legs. 

I fly out of the bed at the sound of a female shout, trying to peel my eyes open enough to figure out what’s going on. As soon as I open my eyes fully, my brain snaps awake. There’s four armed men in here, two of them hauling Serendipity. They’ve got some sort of technology on their heads, so even though she’s singing she can’t do anything. I rush towards them, summoning and throwing a dagger in one fluid motion. It lands in the back of one of them, who grunts in pain, and punches me in the jaw. I fly back, hitting the wall, but in a moment I’m up again. 

They can’t take her. I won’t let them. I begin pulling daggers out of my pockets accessing my magical abyss, throwing them, trying to gain some ground. In a moment of horror, I realize that the little witch’s singing has shifted to sobbing, screaming for me as they carry her off. I land a dagger in another one's shoulder, and he almost loses his grip on Serendipity, but not enough. I dodge the fists of two of them, following them out of the room and down the hall, I try to gain some ground, darting between them, but one grabs me and pins me against his chest. In my last moments of consciousness, I see a fist flying to my face, and hear her hopeless crying as she sees it. 

They got her. I failed my one job. They took my witch. 

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