C H A P T E R 14

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The two were settled on the living room—seated on the carpeted floor. Lisa was drinking vodka, while Jungkook was drinking brandy.

He thought that brandy was too strong for Lisa so he decided to give her vodka instead.

They drank side by side. A comfortable silence surrounding them.

Until Jungkook decided to break it.

"So what happened?"

Lisa heavies a sigh. "After I found out what happened to my brother, I immediately went to my mom." she chugged her vodka—straight from the bottle. "I asked her why did that happen to Taehyung. But she didn't want to answer me."

"She said that she doesn't want me to get involve in my father's problems. And that I'm safer if I stay with her. No questions asked." she quickly added. "She also said that it's dangerous for me to go back, but... I told her no."

"I can't stay here knowing that my brothers will suffer back at home." she turns to him. "I need to go back, Jeon."

Jungkook was just staring at her the whole time. Never once taking his eyes off of her.

She chugged her drink again, wiping the corner of her mouth using the back of her palm afterwards.

"I haven't seen my brothers for five years. God knows how much I miss them so much. And when I heard that Taehyung was shot, I—" she paused and swallowed the huge knot that was forming on her throat. "I didn't know what do to. I was so scared. The fear of losing him made me feel so afraid."

Her eyes slowly became wet. "And the fact that I'm so far away from him right now kills me." she looked up to the ceiling to stop her tears from falling down. "I can't even go there by his side to check if he's okay." she sighed. "Then again it's all my fault. I'm the one who ran away. I'm the one who wanted to have a taste of a normal life." she returned her gaze to him. "I'm so selfish, Jeon."

Jungkook took a sip from his brandy before responding. "None of this is your fault, Sin. That's just life, trying to give you a massive headache." he reached out to her face to wipe her tear that has fallen down on her cheek without her knowing. "You're not selfish. Your brothers were the ones who wanted you to have a taste of a normal life, Sin. They wanted to give you a freedom even for just a short amount of time. They love you, just as much as you love them. And I'm sure that they'll understand why you can't be with them right now."

Lisa chugged her drink again. "Mother wants me to stay with her and hide." she blurted.

"Which is probably the best for you, Sin." he replied.

Another tear fell down on her cheek. "I'm so done with people trying to protect me, Jeon. Doing things for my 'own sake'. Treating me like I'm a porcelain doll made from china." she sniffed. "I feel like I'm a useless person. I don't need anyone taking care of me. I'm fine on my own. But why does everybody kept on thinking that I'm weak?"

"They haven't seen what you're capable of, Sin." Jungkook answered. "Right now you're just a girl who ran away from her family to escape her marriage."

Lisa looked at him. "Do you... think I'm weak?"

He smiled at her genuinely. "No, Sin. I will never think that you're weak." he caressed her cheek using his thumb. "You're the strongest woman I know."

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