chapter twenty-six

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As the bright morning sun danced across Rowyn's cheeks, she began to stir awake. "Pete?" She moved her arm to the other side of the bed only to be met with nothing. Rubbing her eyes of the sleep that rested in them, she sat up with a yawn. "Peter?" She questioned again, pulling the soft white bed sheet to her bare chest.

When she looked around to find that her husband was nowhere to be found, she stood from the bed. Her cheeks blushed at the ache between her legs. After Peter took her to the bath, he took her again in the water. And then again on the bed a few more times before both collapsed into sleep. Rowyn lazily threw on one of Peter's long sleeves that he wore a lot when he wasn't in his typical "King attire" as he called it.

With another yawn, she followed the noise coming from the kitchen. Her mouth twitched up into a smile when she saw Peter dressed in some black pants while his bare back was turned to her cooking something. Rowyn bit her lip for a moment and then walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest, and kissed his shoulder blade.

"Well, good morning." Rowyn knew Peter was smiling given his tone while he spoke. Rowyn just hummed happily against his warm skin as a response. "How'd you sleep?" He asked, flipping the pancake he was cooking. Rowyn smiled softly at it. She introduced the siblings to many "future foods" as Lucy said and made them all fall in love with them.

Rowyn kissed his skin again and then moved to sit on the counter right beside the stove top. "Really good." Her cheeks heated at the way he winked at her.

"Oh I bet." He chuckled softly and put the cooked pancake on a plate and handed it to Rowyn. "Go ahead eat." He kissed the corner of her mouth and she accepted the plate from him.

Rowyn thanked him and grabbed raspberry syrup that rested on the other side of her. As Rowyn chewed on the piece of syrup covered pancake, she studied Peter. Her cheeks flushing more at the marks she had left across his collarbone.

"Don't worry," Peter said, his shoulder shaking softly with amusement. "You have some to." Rowyn's eyes widened and she swallowed the bite.

"What?" She hopped off the counter and looked at herself in a small mirror that rested in the bathroom down the hall from the kitchen. "Oh my God, Peter!" She couldn't hold back her amusement when she observed the marks that trailed from her neck to her breasts and then farther down—she didn't need to look to know that she had some on her inner thighs.

Peter, who now leaned against the counter eating his own pancakes, gave her a playfully smirk. "Sorry, I got a little carried away." He laughed quietly as Rowyn gave him a glare and hopped back onto the counter next to him.

"We both got carried away." She said, cutting another bite of her pancake.

Peter nodded and placed his plate down so he could now stand between her legs with his hands at either side of her body. "But I don't regret it . . . do you?" Rowyn couldn't help but be shocked at the worry that laced his words.

"Not at all—newly weds are known to go at it like bunnies for the first few months." She smirked at him and placed her now empty plate down beside her.

Peter raised an eyebrow and teasingly traced his hands up her thigh, causing a small noise to escape from Rowyn's throat. "Oh really?" He questioned, his hands now resting on her hips.

Rowyn nodded and then smashed her lips to his, which he immediately returned, and laughed against his mouth when he lifted her up and carried her to the couch that rested in the next room.

And so he took her again.

And then again.

And again.


While Peter went to run for a little bit on the beach, Rowyn found herself sitting in front of the grand piano that rested in the living room. Her thin fingers gliding against the cold keys as a soft melody filled her ears. She didn't have a certain song she was playing just whatever she felt in that moment.

Eventually her eyes drifted shut as she found herself diving head first into the music, allowing it to take control of her body as she played. Soon she was humming softly along with the melody she created.

"I didn't know you played." Peter's voice sounded after Rowyn finished her decrescendo to the end of her melody.

Rowyn smiled down at the keys. "My grandma taught me." She told him and moved on the bench while patting the space beside her. Peter smiled warmly and sat down beside her. "She loves music—says it's the gateway to understanding someone's soul."

"How so?" He questioned, bringing his arm around her waist while she traced one of the keys with her fingertip.

"The music someone plays when just . . . feeling the moment—I don't know maybe it's stupid." She nervously chuckled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"No no no." Peter reassured her. "I think that's beautiful."

Rowyn faced him and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. "My grandma is the most amazing woman I've ever met." Rowyn smiled sadly down at the piano but before Peter could say anything else she spoke again. "How did you learn to paint?"

Peter smiled. "My mom use to paint all the time but after having kids there wasn't much time. But one day, I found an old box in her bedroom of paintings and practically begged her for weeks to teach me and when she finally did there was no prying that paintbrush out of my hands." Rowyn's mouth twitched up as he smiled at the memory. "People at school use to make fun of me because of it but that didn't stop me from painting whatever and whenever I could."

"People are afraid of what they don't understand." Peter looked at her and brought a hand to caress her cheek.

Rowyn smiled from his touch. "I love you." He whispered before leaning forward and gently kissing her lips.

She smiled when they pulled away. "To whatever end."

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