Vampires, Closets, and Niall Horan

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Chapter 10

"Guys, I'm still bruised from getting my blood taken." I sighed, examining my black and blue mark on my arm. 

"Wasn't that like 8 days ago?" Harry questioned, staring at my bruise intently. I nodded and waited for all of the boys to finish looking at it. 

"Maybe she poisoned you." Louis shrugged. I gulped and my eyes widened. 

"Louis!" Liam growled and slapped him upside the head. 

"I was kidding... I don't think that's possible." Louis muttered, rubbing his head. 

"Maybe she was a vampire! Oh my god! I'm done!" I yelled and hid in Niall's chest. 

"Maybe she was a leprechaun and took your blood to make her a real person. Now she has your identity and tries to live your life." Zayn said. I giggled at that, only because Zayn was obviously making fun of Niall. 

"You're hilarious." Niall muttered and began playing with my hair. 

"Maybe she'll clone you!" Simon chirped, plopping on the couch next to me. 

"Well, then she better make 4 of you so it's fair." Harry grinned and high fived Louis. I cocked an eyebrow at him, but he only winked in return. 

"Ya'll need Jesus!" I shouted in some horrible Southern accent. 

"I heard my name!" Ed yelped, walking into the lounge.

"Not Ginger Jesus, Ed. Just regular Jesus." I laughed. He pouted and sat on top of me. "Lay off the nachos bud." I groaned and pushed him off. 

"Are you calling me fat?" he scoffed. 

"Nope, but you did." I winked and he crossed his arms, taking a seat next to Harry. 

"Oh, and make it 5 clones. I want one too." Ed smirked and leaned back. 

"How long were you listening to the conversation?" Liam asked. 

"I was here a while ago, but I went to the kitchen first." 

"You better have not eaten my pomegranate." I warned. 

"No promises." 

I rolled my eyes and laid down so my legs were on Simon and my head was on Niall's lap. 

"Instead of relaxing, why don't you go and clean your room? It's a mess!" Simon suggested. 

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