Part 1

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"Where it all began."


"Ew! Back off! No one is as beautiful as the School beauty! The School's Beauty is me! Park Chaeyoung!" Chaeyoung yelled in my face with a furious look on her face.

"Y-yes... I-I know..." I stattered and looked down in embarassment. I hate attention and this place is fully loaded with students looking at us, I hate people's attention to me so much and I hate crowdy places.

"It's good that you know, but I really hate that peeps like you exist and even attends a School that's only for students with high standards." Chaeyoung said and laughed at me. Even her friends are laughing at me.

"I-if there's no more... I-I should leave now..." I said in a lowly voice and sprinted out the crowd.


It's hometime, I'm very thankful if I won't cross paths with Chaeyoung on my way to the bus stop.

And she wasn't there. Phew!

I catched up my regular bus and rode home, I am marching my way home and met my Mom on the way.

"Mama!" I called out. She looked at me and flashed a very big smile, opening her arms wide for me. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my! Did you missed mama? Already?" Mama asked and I recklessly nodded and smiled. We walked home happily together.

"How was your day at School?" Mama asked and I smiled even though I just forced myself to.

"It was great mama! I am learning very well and I'm doing great in class!" I exclaimed and mama smiled, I just want her to know the exact opposite of what was happening to me in school, I am bullied... But I don't want mama to know this, I love her. I don't want her to pity or worry about me because I know myself that I am strong, physically... Emotionally? Let's not talk about it.


It's already morning and Mama waked me up and combed my brown silky hair.

"You don't wanna be late in class." Mama said that made me jump out of bed and prepare myself for school.

"Mama! I'll be back home soon! I love you!" I said and hugged her before running away from home to catch up my regular bus. Luckily, I arrived at the right time!


Walking my way into the School's premises, I notice students looking at me and judging me.

"She? Oh my gosh. She do looks fine, but she don't fit enough for the School Beauty Title."

"OMG, why? She don't even look that good. If she's me, I won't assume so much."

"Far below average. She don't look that good anyway. She just looks clear."

I walked faster to walk away from anxiety and hearing those mumbling people about me. Immuned, yes I am immuned because I have been like this for almost my high school life and now, 'til college.

I walked inside the classroom but something fell on my head when I swung open the door. It stinks! It smells like rotten fish! Urgh!

"How's that? SCHOOL BEAUTY?" Chaeyoung emphasized and laughed together with the other students. Ew...

I opened my locker and took my Gym clothes and rushed into the washroom and changed my uniform.


I entered the classroom and they grumbled and covered their noses.

"I think something smells FISHY!"

"YEAH! It smells SO BAD!"

"It stinks! Get out!"

They blurted out and shoved me away of the classroom. I sighed in defeat, I can't defend myself alone. I can't defend myself alone against my whole class. I hate this, I hate being bullied!

I spent the whole day in the washroom and waited until hometime. I went out of the washroom when I heard the bell rang.

While walking towards the main gate to go home, students who encounter me covers their nose and mumbles, "Stinks!" "She smells so bad!"

I guess this would be my everyday life if I kept being a helpless girl, who can't even defend herself alone.

I rode my regular bus home, people keeps their distance to me like I am a parasite. I slowly walked myself home and didn't met Mama on the way. She is standing at the door of our house and patiently waiting for someone, who happens to be me.

"Oh! You're finally he--" Mama stopped when she smelt the stinky smell of a rotten fish, poured out to her daughter's body.

"Holy cannonballs! What smell is that?! Why do you smell like this?!" She complained and her voice cracked worriedly.

I refused to answer but I looked at her with my tired, dark blue eyes.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" She asked once more with a more worried tone in her voice.

I looked at her more sincerely and forced myself to flash a smile.

"M-mom, you don't have to worry about me. I just got thrown up with fish sauce." I said with a strong tone. She hesitated to talk more but I entered the house and rushed into the  bathroom to wash myself.

Whilst having a warm shower, tears fell down my eyes when the moment I am at the school grounds flashed back to my mind. I cried and cried it all out in the shower. I don't show my tears to anyone, not even my mother.



A special shoutout to coooookkyy ! Thank you so much for designing a cover for my fanfiction❤! I wish you good health and safety along with your family! Stay safe!

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