Sweet Night

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The flight lasted forever, countless hours of sitting, trying to find good movies to watch, snacking, and trying to sleep over the loud hum of the plane. You spend most of your time with your eyes closed, listening to BTS songs, and having wild daydreams. 

When you finally arrive at the airport, there is a mad rush to get everyone's bags and get out of the airport as soon as possible. There is a large crowd of fans and reporters despite it being the evening. 

There isn't much time for anything other than rushing through the crowds to the vans that were waiting for everyone at the entrance. 

When you finally arrive at the hotel, it's late and you are tired and hungry. Each member of staff is given a food allowance so you pick up the phone and order some room service. You take a nice shower and throw on some comfortable PJ's. You flick the TV on and wait for your food to arrive. 

***** Tae's point of view *****

He's laying on his bed playing a game on his phone. He's already bored, there's nothing to do, he is tired but he doesn't want to sleep yet. He looks at the menu to see if there is anything he wants to order. 

Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok are all in the gym and he doesn't feel like joining them. Jin is probably sleeping so he can't do anything with him. He sits up and sends a message to Jimin. 

Tae: What are you doing? Come to my room. 

Jimin: I'm with RM, he is helping me write a song, I'll come later

He flopped back on his bed in frustration, he just wanted to do something. Suddenly he thought of y/n and sat back up, then he paused, he'd forgotten he needed to be careful. This was so annoying. Stupid managers! 

He stood up feeling restless and paced around his room, technically Hobi Hyung said they only needed to be careful when other people were around, well no one is around right now. If he sneaks in then there won't be a problem. 

A big smile creeps on his face as he settles on his plan. He grabs his phone and sends a message to her.

Tae: What room number are you in?

Y/N: Who is this? 

Tae: Oh sorry! It's Tae, Yoongi Hyung gave me your number.

Y/N: I'm in 127, why? 

He slides his slippers on and runs to his door, he opens it slightly to check the coast is clear. When he feels it's safe, he slides along the wall and creeps down the hallway to her door. He knocks quickly. 

"Who is it?" her voice asks through the door. 

"Room service," he says, trying to mask his voice in case anyone hears him. 

She opens the door and her eyes widen when she sees him. She looks cute. He dashes through the open door, pulling her along with him, he turns quickly and slams the door closed. 

"I made it!" he cheers smiling widely at y/n. 

***** Y/N's Point of view *****

You stare wide-eyed at Tae who is smiling at you like a madman. 

"What is going on?" you ask, unable to stop the smile that crawls onto your lips, his smile is infectious. 

"I was bored! Everyone is busy so I came to have fun with you," he explains, walking past you into your room, "have you eaten yet?" 

"Not yet, I just ordered something," you answer, "Tae, I really don't think you should be in here." 

"Don't worry, I made sure no one saw me," he assures you with a smile, "can I order something as well? I'm hungry, don't worry, I'll pay for it." 

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