Chapter 149 - Dragon Dung from the Ministry

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Al banged loudly on the peeling orange door, drenched in sleet and shivering in the wind. "Password?" George's voice shouted through the door.

"Chocolate frogs!" Al replied, having arranged it last time she went. The door swung open and before she could even catch her breath George had pulled her into a kiss.

"You're late," he said as they went upstairs and Al handed him his present.

"Oh, I had a first year come back from detention," Al explained, "He was in a bit of a state."

"Still," George said, pulling his hand around her waist, "I was worried."

"Oi, you two!" Lee's voice called from the living room, "Quit groping each other and get in here!" Al sighed and followed George. Fred and Lee were sniggering at them, and Remus, Kingsley, and Mr Weasley were sat there, all looking at the ceiling, floor, or table lamp and avoided each other's eyes.

Al gave Remus a big hug, and gave him his Christmas present. "How's Tonks?" she asked.

"Oh, she's fine," Remus said with a warm smile, "Eating some weird stuff though. I love ice cream as much as the next person, but dipping carrots in it?" There was a collective shudder.

"Come on, we need to get going!" Lee said, and they all sat down. "Al, Remus is Romulus," he told her, and Al nodded.

"Three," George said, wand raised, "Two, one."

"Welcome back to Potterwatch! I'm your host, River, and today I'm joined by Romulus, Royal, Rooster and Rocket!" Lee opened the show in his usual energetic way. "First up, Ministry Cover Ups! Twelve families of muggles had to be obliviated in the early hours of this morning after Death Eaters murdered a family down in Devon, leaving the Dark Mark above their house. There were a whopping sixteen dementor attacks last night alone. Most of the victims were muggles, although two wizarding children were among them. In addition, the bodies of Gloria and Rodger Vance - parents of deceased Order of the Phoenix member Emmeline Vance - were found yesterday afternoon, after Order members went in for their weekly check-in. Our thoughts are with the Vance family and friends in this troubling time. And now, a minute silence in the memory for those mentioned."

Everyone was completely silent, until Lee said, "Thank you for that. We have Royal here to address the situation regarding Muggle-baiting."

"Hello, River," Kingsley said politely.

"So Royal," Lee began, referring to the piece of parchment, "What can we be doing to avoid muggle-baiting?"

"Well, River, as you said our first priority is prevention," Kingsley said, "Warding around your community would be much appreciated. The odd patronus charm if there is a pack of dementors in your area. But if you do that keep it out of sight of muggles - the last thing we want are more arrests and mysterious disappearances."

"And what about those of us who are on the run?" Lee asked, "What can we be doing?"

"Obviously your first priority is your own safety," Kingsley said, "But more magical creatures are attacking muggles recently. The escaped dragon in Wales last week is an example of this. So if you can prevent it, then do."

"Thanks, Royal," Lee said, "Next up for Pals of Potter, we've got Romulus!" There was applause through the room as Fred set hot butterbeers in front of them all. "Now, Romulus. There has been some doubt that has sprung up in the wizarding community about our support for Harry Potter, especially since the Ministry has claimed that they have evidence that he is behind the so-called abduction of his muggle-born friend Hermione Granger. What do you say to this?"

"I say that if you believe that dragon dung you might as well go straight to the Ministry and get the Dark Mark tattooed onto your arm!" Remus said, sounding slightly angry. "I've met Hermione, and let me tell you she is a highly skilled young witch. Harry Potter would struggle to abduct her to say the least. This is part of the Ministry's anti-muggle-born regime. The idea of it both criminalises Harry Potter, whilst also encouraging their muggle-born register. Two snidgets with one stone."

"So you are completely adamant that Harry Potter is still fighting the Chief Death Eater?" Lee asked, "He's not just done a runner?"

"I know that he's not 'done a runner'," Remus said, "And it's in times like these when our faith and loyalty in each other make us stronger." His words even made Al feel a little guilty for even considering the fact he might not be out there anymore.

"You heard it folks!" Lee said, "Harry Potter is still a good guy! Personally, I'm shocked." They all laughed into their butterbeers. "Here to explain our latest Ministry policy to all you Ministry workers who aren't quite sure why they've still got jobs, we've got Rooster!" They all clapped as Arthur shuffled forward in his seat. "So, Rooster, tell us what exactly the Decree for Regulated Travel is."

"The latest decree from Thicknesse says that all Ministry workers must state where they're travelling to when they leave the Ministry, and they're only allowed to leave via Portkey," Arthur explained. "This means that the Death Eaters are more closely following Ministry employees, and is quite dangerous for those of us resisting or with families in hiding. My advice - don't go anywhere secret after work. You can always apparate once you've used the portkey."

"Thanks very much, Rooster," Lee said, "And now, after lots of anticipation, we've got Rocket back on the show!"

Al grinned, "It's good to see you, River."

"So, this mysterious solution to the Dark Arts problem at Hogwarts," Lee began, "For those of you that don't know, Hogwarts students are being forced to use the Cruciatus Curse on each other, or risk facing it themselves. Fortunately, Rocket and a team of dedicated students have found a solution. Rocket?"

"Well, River," Al began, "After months of tireless research, we've found a screaming charm that looks identical to the Cruciatus Curse. But instead of the incantation being 'crucio', it's 'crucia'. This charm perfectly mimics the symptoms of the Cruciatus, screaming and thrashing, but there is no pain and it's far easier to perform. It's already been tried and tested in front of the Carrows and other students, and it has been very successful. No one can tell the difference between the two. I might also add that Hogwarts has some very good actors, so keep up the good work everyone!"

"That's fantastic news, Rocket," Lee said, "I'm sure there'll be many parents sat at home relieved that they're kids are even just a little bit safer. Anything you'd like to add?"

"To all the students of Hogwarts," Al said, "Let's keep making the Carrows' lives miserable. Dumbledore's Army, still recruiting!"

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