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3 weeks later
Ben and Mal haven't talked since Ben shut Mal out
Mal was in her dorm and there's a knock
M-Come in
Ben walks in
M-Oh... it's you
B-Mal I'm really sorry for getting you pregnant
M-I said ok
B-So your not bothered? Are we ok now?
M-Ok now?! YOU SHUT ME OUT! For 3 weeks!!! And you expect me to forgive you? For you to slam me out of your life like I am nothing like your daughter is nothing
B-You know the gender?
M-Did u hear ? DAUGHTER duh I know the gender just incase you didn't know I'm 3 months pregnant just to jog your mind!
B-Why are you so mad?...
M-Because you really did shut me out like I was nothing... you didn't care because you moved straight onto Emma
B-I'm not into Emma Mal never will be! But I'm just to busy for a daughter I told my mom I don't want emma and she said that's fine emma won't even be moving here
M-You were the first man I've ever let into my life.. and you betrayed me
B-I'm sorry I'm just too busy
M-Ok Ben I get it

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