The Boy Who Lived is Missing

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The Boy Who Lived is Missing

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, was in a jovial mood that day. The letters had been sent out two weeks prior and now he was awaiting the response of certain young wizard.

"These are all the letters?" commented the great wizard as he sifted through them quickly. He was so excited that he had failed to see the letter from one, Hadrian Black. He did not see one from Harry Potter. "Yes. Albus you should know that-"

However the man wasn't listening as he frowned, finally looking up. "Harry Potter's letter is not here." he stated and the elder witch in front of him, Minerva McGonagall, nodded. "Yes. We've sent plenty of letters and still haven't received an answer."

Albus immediately stood from his seat, shooting a spell at the fireplace and entering it. "#4 Privet Drive." he called and tossed down a hand full of floo powder. However, when he reappeared, he was in a deficit looking building. The walls around him seemed to be burnt and falling apart. The floor was littered with wood and trash and when he looked up he saw that the ceiling was gone. He stepped out of the fireplace slowly, looking around.

"Oh dear.." he murmured faintly.

#4 Privet Drive had been burned and ransacked. The Dursleys gone. Dead? He couldn't tell. That is, until he walked further into the room. He stepped on something that cracked and crunched under his slippers, looking down to identify the object. It was a skull. A human skull. And it had been there for quite some time.

It was obvious that a Death Eater had done this and whomever it may be, now had Harry. He only hoped it wasn't an inner circle member. Albus sighed deeply.

The boy who lived was missing and it was entirely his fault.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now