Chapter 20

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Jason stared at Bishops, who returned his gaze. There was a distinct silence in the room. Bishops smiled, clearly amused. "Yeah. I know all about you, Phillips. All your little secrets. How you came here to start over.  All of it." Jason blinked twice and leaned on the wall. His head spun as he tried to regain his composure.

"I see." Jason said, finally. Bishops ran towards him, headfirst. Jason side stepped him and backed away. Bishops frowned. "You wanna kill a fucking girl but back away from me, pussy?!" Jason offered no reply. "A real man is here in your face and now you're afraid, huh?" Bishops taunted. Jason's eyes lowered. "I have no interest in fighting you, Bishops." He said. Bishops sneered. "I'm not fighting you. I'm gonna kill you!"

He threw a fist, which Jason promptly dodged, causing it to crash into the wall. It cracked slightly. Jason noticed that and looked at Bishops, who was enraged. "Doesn't have to be this way, Bishops." Jason advised. The words rested on deaf ears and a quick fist hit Jason in the jaw. He fell to the floor and rubbed his jaw. Looking up, he stared at Bishops towering over him. Bishops grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him up.

They were face to face and Bishops sneered again. "You're gonna pay, punk." He said. Pushing him off, he raised his fists. "Fight me like a man! So that your last actions would at least have some dignity." Jason's hands began to raise. However, before he could bring them up fully, he rushed over and punched Bishops in the stomach. Bishops' eyes widened in surprise as he kneled over. He spat on the floor and tried to catch his breath. "You..... you. .... mother.... fucker!" He managed to get out.

Jason's eyes were dark and he stared at Bishops. He drove a knee into the side of his temple, causing Bishops to fall onto the floor, his head bouncing off of the tile. This rendered him unconscious.

Lorraine sat at her table and stared into space, her cup of coffee getting cold in front of her. "Todd? Killing people? That doesn't seem right. He's been so sweet and was trying to better his life ever since he came out of that place." She shook her head. It didn't make sense to her. Not Todd. Not the man who left everything behind to start over and let go of his past. Surely there was a mistake. This was too much to take for a 19 year old.

"How did I get caught up with a serial killer?" She asked out loudly. Then, she had a flashback. Blinking, she sighed. "Oh." She looked down at her coffee, the steam gone. Sighing, she unlocked her phone. She realized that there were a few missed calls from Jason. She tried calling him back, but to no avail. "Come on, Jason. What are you doing right now? I don't know what to do."

Jason knelt down and checked to see if Bishops was still breathing. He smiled once he confirmed it and slid down the wall, placing himself right beside the body. "Now. I have no idea how you know about me or my secret or my past. But you're gonna give me answers, bro. And if I don't deem those answers satisfactory, I'm going to kill you. And if I do, you may get away Scott free." Bishops' unconscious body offered no response.

"So you're saying that the medication is making you crazy." The woman pondered. Todd nodded. "I was quite fine before I got those. Then it suddenly happened. Fits of rage. Visions. Walls caving in. The desire to crack someone's skull on a table." He said with a smile. The doctor stared at him, separated by the table. "Is that a threat, Todd? I think I should take that as a threat." Todd's eyes looked down at the table and back upwards to her. "No. No. No threat. Just detailing what's happening. This IS an interview, isn't it?"

The woman looked at him skeptically. "Yes. It is. However, those medications weren't administered to you by our doctors without permission, Todd. The person who told us to use them figured you'd be okay when you get them. Make you sane. Get you out sooner. And they're trusted. So one of you are lying." Todd looked at the woman, his eyes burning a hole through her shirt. "Look at me, Doc. Do I look better? Do I look.....sane?" He got up from his seat. "LOOK AT ME!" The woman stayed quiet and composed. "Is this what sane looks like to you?! I'm not lying! I want to get the fuck out of here! But you people are keeping me in!"

She smiled and her blue eyes looked back at Todd. "I'm not really a part of this. I'm just following orders. You seem like a nice, intelligent young man. Maybe you don't belong here. Maybe this was a misunderstanding. But it's my job to find that out. They told us to use that medication. And only recently did you start to lash out. Maybe it's side effects. Who knows?" She shrugged and sat back in her chair.

Todd realized she was being sincere and sat down. Both he and the woman sat in silence. "You know." He finally said. "I didn't get your name." She gave him a big smile and a grin. "Mary."

Jason grinned as Bishops came back to reality. Shaking his head, he looked up. He blinked a few times to further try and regain his composure. Sitting up, he looked around the room until his eyes gazed upon Jason. He frowned. "Sneak attack, punk?" Jason shrugged. "You said to fight you. You saw me come at you. There wasn't anything sneaky about it at all." Jason grabbed him by the face and brought him close to his.

"Start explaining what you know and how. And it better be the truth. Or next time, you won't wake up."

Michael and Kyle sat in the living room, showing Lorraine pictures and notes they took from the evidence room. Her head was in her hands as tears fell down her face. "All evidence points to him." Kyle said. "No alibi. Fingerprints everywhere. Finally got the camera recording from behind the McDonald's. It's all Todd." Lorraine looked up, her face red from the crying. "I can't believe this. I thought he was better. Not this monster. How didn't I see this coming?" She asked. Michael rest his hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault. You did what you could. But now, knowing what you know." He looked her in the eye. "You've gotta get him back here, so we can arrest him. Who knows how many other people he's killed?"

Lorraine nodded and gulped. She wasn't prepared for anything like this.

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