𝔗𝔥𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤

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(NAME) HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. The Atlanteans had seemed nice enough when it was just her and Milo, but now the girl - (Name) couldn't tell which one was her as they all had their masks on still - and her friends had jumped from behind them and cornered them, each holding an oddly shaped spear towards them.

''I've seen this back in Dakota!'' Cookie whispered loudly, (Name) was sure even the Atlanteans could hear him. ''They can smell fear just by looking at ya!'' (Name) decided it was best to leave him to it.

Rourke reached for his gun, but (Name)'s hand stopped him. He turned to her and she glared, shaking her head. The Atlantean began to speak and she stopped glaring at the commander to turn to Milo.

Mole had the same idea as her as he began to tug on her arm. ''I think it's talking to you!''

Milo stepped forward and spoke the same language as them, but much slower and more carefully. Before replying, the leader took her mask off and passed it to someone else. (Name) smiled when she spotted it was the girl. Her and Milo continued talking for a few seconds, (Name) having no idea what was being said but she assumed it was good because the spears weren't being pointed at them any more.

But (Name) picked up that he was asking her what languages she spoke. Mole got excited when she responded in French and moved forward, bowing to her. ''They speak my language!'' The girl bent down to hear him better and he gestured her to move closer. She did so and he began whispering in her ear. The girl frowned, punching Mole in the face and he did a backwards roll from the force.

Sweet began applauding, smiling widely. ''Ooh! I like her!''

''Hmm! 'Bout time someone hit him,'' Audrey replied. ''I'm just sorry it wasn't me.''

The other Atlanteans began to talk and their groups dispersed, merging with each other and (Name) grabbed Milo's arm, catching his attention. ''How do they know all those languages?'' She asked, cocking her head to the side.

''Thei language mushe be based on a root dialect,'' Milo said, smiling at her excitedly.

''Well, good job getting them to talk,'' (Name) complimented and Milo blushed. He was about to speak when the commander pushed past him.

''English has to be in there somewhere,'' Rourke said. ''We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace.'' He spoke slowly, as if talking to an alien and (Name) rolled her eyes at him.

''Welcome to the city of Atlantis,'' the girl said, using a hand to gesture towards the city. She ran forward, one of her hands taking Milo's and the other taking (Name)'s. ''Come, you must both speak to my father now.''

The commander turned to the few soldiers that had survived with them and that (Name) didn't know. ''Squad B, head back to the shaft and salvage what you can.''

The rest of them began to follow the Atlanteans, (Name) paused when she spotted how they were going to get there. Milo stopped next to her, taking her hand gently. ''Hey, you're not scared of heights are you?''

She shook her head. ''No, but the idea of crossing an old bridge over boiling hot lava isn't the most reassuring thought to me,'' she said and Milo chuckled, agreeing with her before they began to follow the others, slowly as to not fall. A truck also crossed with them and when the bridge didn't break instantly under it's weight, (Name) decided it was sturdy enough to carry her.

Milo and (Name) were walking behind the commander and the lieutenant. (Name) was listening intently to Milo's rambling as he pointed to random images on the page - or at least they were random to (Name), but that was because she had no idea what he was talking about anymore. Still, she enjoyed the sight og his eyes brightening when she asked questions or voiced her opinions, so she decided to pretend like she was still following along.

''Now, what's really amazing is that if you deconstructed Latin and overlaid it with a little Sumerian, throw in a dash of Thessalorian, and you'd get close to their basic grammatical structure,'' Milo said proudly, turning to (Name).

She furrowed her brows and looked at the writing on the page. ''Oh, alright. I think I get it. It's like English, some of the words originated from different languages, except in Atlantean, it's most of the words because they follow a similar grammatical pattern. Right?''

Milo's eyes lit up. ''Yes! Just like that!''

In front of them, the lieutenatn turned to Rourke. ''Well, someone's excited.''

''Like a kid at Christmas,'' Rourke said, rolling his eyes. ''I have no idea how Dr. (Last Name) keeps up with him.''

''Commander,'' Helga said, turning to him. There were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything.''

The commander shook his head, lowering his voice. ''This changes nothing.''


WHEN THEY REACHED WHAT WAS MOST LIKELY THE PALACE, (Name)'s jaw nearly dropped. It wasn't elegant like the ones she had seen before, but it was twice as beautiful. She rather enjoyed looking at the plants that twisted their way across the walls and through the cracks. And as weird as it was, having to step on rocks to not fall in the middle of the pond that was in the middle of the room, (Name) liked it.

The girl approached who (Name) assumed to be the king, she bowed deeply, speaking Atlantean and (Name) was lost once again. She turned to Milo to see if he would help, but he was on the floow, bowing just as the girl had and (Name) quickly did the same thing, almost tripping.

She glanced over to see Milo frowning and she gulped - clearly the conversation was not going well.

Rourke didn't understand that though and he took a step forward. ''Your majesty, may I just say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city.'' He walked past Milo, who tried to tell him what was actually going on, but he was ignored.

''You presume much to think you are welcome here,'' the king said and (Name) paled, glancing nervously over to Milo. He shrugged, sending her a small smile to try and make her feel better.

''Oh, sir, we have come a long way,'' the commander tried. ''Looking for-''

''-I know what you seek, and you will not find it here,'' the king replied and (Name) wondered what he thought they were seeking. She had been informed of the actual plan, but she had assumed it was over now because there was people living here and, to be honest, she didn't care for the matter so she hadn't been listening to what it was they were actually meant to be looking for. ''Your journey has been in vain.''

''But we are peaceful explorers, men of science.''

''And yet you bring weapons.''

''Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter.'' (Name) felt like scoffing, people weren't obstacles - she could only hope that he wasn't seriously thinking about following the plan through.

''Some obstacles can not be moved with a mere show of force,'' the king said and (Name) looked up, smiling as she realised he knew what the commander was talking about. The king glanced at her and she could've sworn he winked. He stood up, grabbing his staff as he did so. ''Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once.''

''Oh, your majesty be reasonable,'' the commander said, chuckling as if he and the king were best friends. Milo tried to tell him to back down, but the commander wasn't having it. ''May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply, and be ready for travel by morning.''

''Hmm. Very well. One night. That is all.''

And that was when (Name) realised she had to tell Milo of what she knew.


And, the second chapter of the day is here!

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