||Two||-›Blind Boy?

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QOTD; What's/are your Wattpad pet peeve(s)?.

A hand of iron and a heart of steel.
To strike, to wound, to slay and not to feel

Mary Elizabeth Coleridge.

•Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

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Arrogance is habitual...

Drawing Room ꨄ︎

“Mother, whatever are you doing in here?” Walking into the drawing-room was Duchess Augusta's second-born daughter named Adelaide Griffith. Adelaide had a slight frown framing her sharp countenance.

“Is reading now a crime?” Duchess Augusta queried as she flipped through a page to which lady Adelaide scoffed at.

“It will be, especially at such an inopportune time. Why waste your time reading alone when you can have tea with a governess.”

“And which governess might that be?” lifting her gaze from the book, Augusta inquired.

“Lady Courtesy, Barbara of Claverdon, of course, she is here for you.”

“Let her wait a bit, she is such a church bell.” lady Adelaide shook her head at the words, sighing.

“Never mind her, so what do you plan to do about Elizabeth?” sitting across from her mother, she poured herself a cup of lemon tea.

“What dreadful deed has your sister committed now?” inquired the Duchess in false interest, completely dissolved of her daughter's melodramatics.

“The same dreadful deed she has been committing for years.”

“I do prefer people state what they have to say to me personally, instead of tittle-tattling about,” lady Elizabeth, the eldest Griffith child, walked in. She was dressed in a heavy blue frock with a shawl over her neck.

“Now now, I do not want to hear any of this today,” chimed the Duchess.

“But mother, she continues to disgrace this family by refusing the hand of any man who wishes to wed her. She certainly isn't growing younger nor looking the part,” Adelaide quipped.

“At least I am not said to be wobbling in and out of every noble man's bed-chamber,” Elizabeth shrugged, looking out of the window.

Duchess Augusta subtly placed a hand over her mouth, in an attempt to stunt the growing smile.

“How dare you!” Adelaide rose from her seat, face going scarlet.

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