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Ok so it has come to my attention that I haven't updated in a month... whoopsies. I haven't forgot about this book by any means and I already know how it ends.


Gosh I love the feeling of power, it gives me a rush. But I do apologize for the lack of chapters and having the last chapter ending in a cliffhanger.

To be completely transparent with y'all, I just haven't had any inspiration lately to finish especially with how long it takes to come up with my elite humor. But this book IS NOT and i repeat IS NOT being discontinued or anything of the sort, its just taking me a while to finish. Please understand where I'm coming from because I have had a stressful two weeks with cheer practice, a new crush (yes even with corona), and countless other things.

Just please please be patient with me. As we all know I'm a lazy human being, but also a hardworking (ish) one. I WILL COMPLETE THIS BOOK. I solemnly swear on it.

But thank you all so so much for all the reads, votes and comments. I initially started this book out as a joke to make me and some of my other friends laugh but it has grown into something so much more than that and I can't thank my readers enough for brining this book as far as it has gone.

And also to those who have privately messaged me... sorry I haven't responded, apparently, I haven't finished signing in my email but it always sends the little verification close thingie to a different email so I never get it and I kinda sorta gave up on it. Just comment something if you have something to ask me and I'll answer :) I have nothing else to do... except writing this book.

But thank you all and another chapter WILL be coming soon. And in our basic love interests point of view. Or maybe in my fabulous red heads. Comment which one you would rather if you don't mind it :)

Thank you all again!! Really.

But in the bright side I did get an art piece done!

Peace out homies and my art is below :)

Peace out homies and my art is below :)

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