Chapter 13: The Great Escape

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"How about, 'Hey Ellie, I know it wasn't easy, but it was either him or me. Thanks for saving my ass.' You got anything like that for me, Joel?" Ellie snapped slightly, watching Joel stand up and look at her. "We gotta get going." Joel said, turning around and heading to the ladder. "Lead the way." Ellie said, clearly exasperated at him. Y/N walked up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder as she sighed. There was nothing the boy could say... because he didn't know what it felt like.

Chapter 13

Ellie grumbled to herself as she followed after Joel, going up the ladder. "Oh man. This is gonna be fun." Y/N mumbled, watching them go up. He wasn't looking forward to traveling with two people that wouldn't look each other in the eye, so he would have to try something to fix it. Later. Right now, they just had to get out of this damn city. Y/N followed up behind them, getting to the top of the ladder.

He saw Ellie walk around the corner as he did, and jogged after them to catch up. They were walking down a hall when something caught Joel's eye, causing him to look towards the side. "Stay here, alright?" He asked, looking back at them for a moment. "Sure, Joel." Ellie shrugged off, not really looking like she cared. Joel sighed and made his way across the narrow walkway into a relatively untouched area.

Y/N and Ellie watched as he headed a bit away, looking for some supplies. "You alright?" Y/N asked, looking over at his friend. "Yeah... I'm fine. What happened to your mask?" Ellie asked, now that they had a bit of downtime. "Oh, some asshole shot it off. Lucky it wasn't my face." Y/N said, laughing slightly. "You know... he just wants you to be safe." He followed up with, looking away from Ellie.

"Yeah? Doesn't seem like it. I'm tried of feeling useless while you two are risking your lives." Ellie said, crossing her arms. "To be fair, I'd risk my life even if he did let you shoot." Y/N said, giving her a small smile. Joel finally came back, leading them on through the hotel. "We need to get back out towards the bridge." Joel instructed as they headed through another hallway. "Just tell me where to go." Ellie stated, earning a grumble from Joel and sigh from Y/N.

They stayed silent as they got down some more stairs, walking through more hallways until they reached a dining room of sorts. "This looks fancy." Y/N claimed, looking around. "Wow, look at that." Ellie said, looking over to a backdrop of a beach. "That's a backdrop. People would take their pictures in front of it." Joel tried explaining. "Yeah, I know what it is." Ellie said a little roughly, making Y/N look over to them. "Ok then, something on your mind, Ellie?" Joel asked her.

Ellie sighed and rubbed the back of her head. "I wand trying to disobey you back there. You were taking a really long time, and I thought he might have gotten into trouble. And since Y/N was holding off some Hunters, I decided to find you." Ellie tried explaining, not looking at Joel. "It don't matter what you thought, I need you to listen to me." Joel stated, looking at her. "I do! It's just that... whatever Joel."

Y/N sighed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. They headed over to find a way out, and Joel noticed a piano and an opening. "This should work." He said, looking at it in front of him. "Alright, lets do this." He mumbled, getting behind the Piano and starting to push it, but it was barely budging. "Goddamn, this is heavier than I thought." He said, giving up and resting on it. "How about a hand?" He asked, looking at the two. "You sure you can trust us with that?" Ellie asked, already walking over.

"Ellie..." Joel said with an exasperated tone. The three of them together got the piano to the wall, which they used to get onto the next floor. "How's That?" Ellie asked, looking at Joel. "Let's go." He said, earning a sigh from the girl. They headed through another dining room area, looking around until the found a window. Joel led the two through the window, which landed them in a scaffolding. He noticed a rifle on a dead body, and went to pick it up when he heard some voices. "Oh shit." He said, ducking down.

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