Chapter 1 (M.M)

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Hi my loves, this is the new book. I hope you enjoy it is a lot better than the original book

Olivia Thompson P.O.V 

I was walking home from school when I started hearing gunshots from behind me. I grew up in between the gang violence as we lived on the midline separating the north and south sides. We were on the line, we grew up going to schools in the south as the gangs were in the north, college, however, was deep in the northeastern side of town, where we were at the midline.

"Hey! You girl with the purple backpack" Someone yelled. I didn't turn around just kept walking, I learned how to use a gun a few years ago as my parents were concerned for my safety. Legally I couldn't get a gun yet as I was only 20. All my siblings have one already.

"You girl, listen up or your gonna die." He yelled at me again. I was a few houses down from where I lived. I could run but if he had a gun he'd kill me. As I weighed my options I decided it was a good idea to run. I didn't hear but one gunshot and when I turned slightly the man I assume was yelling at me was dead someone had shot him.

I quickly unlocked the door and relocked it. I turned to see my three brothers looking at me all their eyebrows were raised.

"Um, hii" I said walking towards my room.

"Were you just the cause of all them gunshots?" Luke asked he was the youngest of my brothers.

"No the cause was someone tried to shoot me but they ended up getting shot?" I said but it was more of a question than a statement.

"Okay well we are going to have some guests over tonight and you need to be in a dress because they are very important," Hayden told me.

"Okay," I said dragging out the y. They never have their friends over for dinner. This better be good otherwise I dressed up for nothing. "Who are they exactly?" Everyone froze well the boys did, Taylor was cooking so she didn't hear me ask.

"Uhh, our boss," Hayden said. I've never met there boss but from what I've overheard from them he's not to nice, they've come home with black eyes from there boss. They never tell me what they do for him or where they work, they've done that since I was younger so I just stopped asking questions.

I went upstairs to get ready for 'the boss' whoever the fuck that is. I don't understand why I have to look good, but I still will for my brothers, our parents died a few years ago and the house was given to Taylor and we all lived here together. Mom and Dad always worried about what my brothers were doing since they were out all hours of the night doing god knows what. Mom and dad died in a car accident from a drunk driver. It hit us hard but we had each other. I went into my closet and picked out a blush pink maxi dress that had sleeves that reached the elbow. it was a beautiful dress. I just put on some basic little nude flats and called it done. I didn't do my make up except for what I had on for school. I put my hair in a side braid. Simple and Chic.

I looked at the time.

Five thirty-two pm. I didn't realize how long it took me to get home but I guess I did go to the after school study session for my college math class.

"Olivia! They're here!" Taylor yelled. Dinner is ready then. I just wanted to get this over with, I don't want to be at a boring dinner with some boring people, but when I walked downstairs Taylor was greeting them. The guy who was in the front was covered in tattoos from what I could see his arms and I assume his chest was covered in tattoos too. He was dressed in all black, and on him it was perfection. His hair was slicked up to the right and then back. He was so incredibly handsome. I was stuck on the stairs, well until Taylor snapped me out of my gaze.

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