💔Can't believe you💔

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I woke up back in the hospital room but no Jaden everyone else was here
M: why the fuck am i here again
Mo: sorry to tell you this honey but when you hit your head when you crashed it gave you syncope a condition that you faint because the loss off blood flow sometimes
M: what I don't need this ugh
They leave the room I stand up and put on my clothes and sneak away to find Jaden I went to the house and his car was there so I went in and upstairs to his room and opened the door and there was him and mads making out
Ja: what are you doing here
M: coming to tell you that kio kissed me then I pushed him off and when I tried to catch up with you I fainted and was just at hospital and found out I had a fainting condition cause of the crash but I guess that doesn't matter anymore
I ripped of our bracelet and threw it at him
Ja: no- wait-
M: no Jaden
I walked out and started to cry and left the house and decided to call nessa
Nessa: where the fuck are you
Molly: me and Jaden are done when's the apartment ready I'm not living with them anymore
Then josh was with nessa and heard
Josh: what do you mean done
Molly: he was making out with Madison when I tried to find me so it's either me move into that apartment or I'm going back home
Nessa: our moms said it's ready tomorrow and that you can stay in the hotel with them
Molly okay I'ma just get my shit
Nessa: you aren't driving
Molly: why this stupid condition isn't going to do this to my life and if I crash I might die which wouldn't be a bad move right now
I hang up the phone and go back up to jadens room and take my suitcases
Ja: w-where are you going
M: hotel till my apartments done or maybe back home
Ja: don't go
M: Madison is right there you have her so go have fun
I walk out of the room with loads of suitcases and Jaden follows behind
Ja: please don't do this I can't loose you again
M: you already have
I walk out the door and to my car and drive to the hotel and put my stuff in and go out for a walk and then decided to go to the hype house. I walk up to the door and knock nick answers and let's me in
Everyone: hey
M: hi
Ko: what's wrong
M: everything me and Jaden aren't friends or dating or whatever we had and I have this stupid illness or condition from the car crash when I faint all the time and I'm thinking of moving back home
They all look at me shocked because of what I just said
Ni: go one by one why aren't you and Jaden friends
M: so basically I was upset after the crash and had stuff on my mind so I sat outside the mall to think whilst everyone was in the food court so kio came out and I thought he was just comforting me but no he kissed me and I of course pushed off but it was to late Jaden was running away so I tried to chase after but because of the condition fainted and hit my head I woke up in the hospital and that's when I actually found out I had the condition so when nobody was in the room I got dressed and ran back to the house to try talk to Jaden so I went up to his room and him and Madison were making out so I through my bracelet at him and now I'm here
Ch: holy shit sorry
M: it's okay
Ko: now car crash?
M: oh I was at a restaurant this morning with nessa and our moms and we were just talking then she brought up children and said you will have them some day so of course I freaked out and left and as I was driving the stress caused me to faint whilst driving and I crashed and hit my head
Al: this has all happened today?
M: yessir and it's supposed to be my birthday this week so I'm pissed because it's gonna be crap like every other year shit i could write a song bout this ooo and I feel like going and taking a depressed photo shoot OMG that's what I'm going to do
I stood up to the door but Patrick blocked it
Mi: your not leaving your not in the right mindset come upstairs and sleep
M: ugh fineee
I followed her up to her room and she let me sleep. I woke up forgetting where I was so I sit up and walk downstairs and then I remembered I'm at the hype house. I saw kouvr in the kitchen and went over.
M: you okay?
Ko: ye I'm just thinking
M: about what?
Ko: life
M: I do that all the time it calms me
I look at my phone and have so many missed calls from everyone I decide to call nessa
Nessa: omg are you okay
Molly: mhm I'm at hype house
Nessa: come to sway jadens asleep
Molly: I don't know ness
Nessa: pleaseeee
Molly: fine
I hang up and drive over kouvr wanted to come for some weird reason so I let her. When we got there the house was quiet so I went in and then out of nowhere I hear "SURPRISE"
M: the fuck
N: we didn't know if you were leaving or not so we through a party for your birthday
M: thanks
N: what's wrong
M: nothing
N: something's wrong
They all just stare at me then nessa comes and hugs me and I see Jaden and mads talking and I dig my hand into fists and my long nails were cutting me but I didn't care
M: what
I look down and open up my fist and she's right I dug so far I'm bleeding
M: nope
Nessa and my mom drag me up and the party just started cause I could hear music but I didn't care. They cut and filed my nails and I wasn't allowed acrylics till the cuts heal.
M: fine then
N: tell us what's wrong
M: nope
Mo: please honey
M: fine then Jaden
N: what about him
M: him and Madison it pisses me off I think ima move back mom
Mo: nope I'm not letting you your moving into that apartment tomorrow
N: and I'm going to be there
M: fine anyways I'm going to write a song
N: no party
M: song
N: party
I grab my songbook and pen as she drags me down and I sit on the couch writing then Jaden comes and sits next to me
Ja: hey
I ignore him
Ja: hello
I ignore him again
Ja: Whats wrong with you
M: oh my fucking god you obviously never loved me and it's so stupid how you can't tell what's wrong anyone can tell why I'm upset do you should just fucking grow up
I throw my book at him and walk out the front door and drive to the hotel and just stay there. A couple of hours later my mom and auntie came back drunk
M: mom time for you to sleep
I got her ready and put her in bed and then I did the same with my auntie
M: night guys
I turn of the light and close the door and sleep

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