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My phone buzzes in my pocket again and again, and as usual, a wave of fear and anxiety goes through me. I didn't answer it earlier because I'm avoiding something at the moment. I nervously pull out my phone and check my messages.

7:37 PM
Phil :'Hey Dan, it's me Phil. Where r u? I've been finding u the whole day and I can't find u. Call me when u get this.'

8:56 PM
Phil :'Dan ur really worrying me. Where r u?'

9:30 PM
Phil :'Dan pls call me so I can make sure ur okay'

11:48 PM
Phil : 'Okay so u won't call me but tell me if ur okay!'

And other loads of messages. I walked continuously until I spotted an ocean nearby. I walked on the pebbly and sandy ground until I reached the shore.

I looked at my phone and it buzzes again. I squeezed my eyes shut and threw it as far as I can and it dipped into the big wide body of water.

The sound of my phone buzzing was stuck in my head. I kicked off my shoes, trying to ignore the buzzing noises surrounding a major part of my brain and ears. I sat down near the shore and after a few moments, the cold icy water hit me bare feet. It made me feel calm and I looked up at the empty sky. No stars appeared to cheer me up.

I sighed and continued to look at my bare feet which was being hit by the cold icy water of the ocean. I followed the rhythm and hummed 'What a catch, Donnie' By Fall Out Boy.

"Are you danisnotonfire?" I heard a female voice behind me ask. I got startled and looked at her franctically. She giggled, "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-it's okay." I said and stood up to face her properly. "How did you know it was me though?" I asked her while she stood there frozen.

"I heard you humming while I was strolling along the beach, because I do every night, and I noticed your voice. I knew it was someone familiar and the very first person that popped up in my mind is.. You. So I approached you and I knew it was you because just from behind I could already see your left fringe. So yeah.. Basically." She smiled nervously at me and I hugged her. She seemed surprised but after a while, she hugged back. I released from the hug and I told her,

"Do you want to take a picture-"

"No, I'm not that type of Phangirl," She giggled at the saying of 'Phangirl' . "I just want to talk. You look like you have a problem."

I laughed quietly and faced the dark ocean once again. "I don't even know who you are."

"I'm Emerald. And now I'm not a stranger." She chuckled.

"Fair enough." I smiled and she sat down next to me.

Run, if you can. ( A Dan and Phil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now