Chapter 20- Ready Christmas lunch.

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Riley's POV;

So Alexa and I ended up falling asleep under the Christmas tree till about 9am when we woke up Emily and my mum had made us breakfast, and started prepping for Christmas lunch as James was coming over.

I sat at the table when my phone buzzed, it was Chloe, I smiled, then remembered I still was yet to open her and Michelle's presents from our Christmas gathering on Monday.

"Merry Christmas best friend, enjoy your present, love you and em lots xx

I texted back "merry Christmas to you beautiful girl, thank you and you too, love you lots enjoy your day love Em and I xo" with a Santa emoji.

I place my phone back down as mum asks who was texting me.

"probably James." Em said laughing

"nope it was Chloe actually." I reply

"tell her I said merry Christmas!" Em said

"I did girly" I reply laughing.

"have you heard from your dad, sweetie?" mum asked Alexa.

"nope. " Alexa replied.

"what about your boyfriend?" mum asked again.

"not yet, probably still asleep, but my friend Jessica said merry Christmas." Alexa replys

"I'm sure he will soon sweetie, what about you Em did you hear from eldom yet?" mum asks Emily

"mum it's eldon probably still sleeping." Emily replys with a sense of sadness in her voice.

"we all know you heard from James missy!" Alexa says from next to me.

I give Alexa a soft nudge and say "yeah sure have."

James POV;

So we have just finished up Christmas breakfast, it was lovely, I look at my phone and realise I have to get ready for Riley's house.

"thank you for breakfast mum, can I please be excused so I can get ready for rileys?"

"of course you can sweetie, remember to write on her card." mum replys lovingly

"okay mum." I get up from the kitchen table and make my way to the living room where all our presents are sat, I pick up Riley's card off the table along with the pen and take it to my room putting the pen to the paper as I sit on the end of my bed, I write

"Dear riles my riles,

Merry Christmas to you beautiful girl, I hope your day is as amazing as you are and you enjoy spending it with your family, and hopefully enjoy my company too. You are incredible and you make me happy, stay amazing and stay special my princess. O:) xx

Here for you always, thanks for the amazing memories and many more to come.

Love Jay. xo"

I place the card back into the envelope as I put it onto my bed, I get dressed into blue denim jeans with a white shirt. I go downstairs and tell her I'm ready when she tells me to go back upstairs and change saying I can't wear that to christmas lunch. I finally decide to put on a red button up shirt, similar to the one I was wearing last night and go down stairs.

Riley's POV;

So it's now 10.45am I have my hair done in two braids joining them from the sides to make one side plait, and my red play suit on with flowers on it and my short denim vest on, I sit outside waiting for James to arrive when eventually he does I see his mum pull up and I wave to them as he gets out of the car, I walk over to him as he picks me up and spins me around and kisses me gently. We walk inside hand in hand, him carrying the massive pile of presents and placing them into my living room.

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