USS Baby Doll

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Sorry guy's for the slow update. Thing's have been super stressful lately but I'm getting through it one day at a time!!

Starting to wake from my slumber, I stretched my arm out to pull my baby doll to me but felt nothing but cold sheets. Signing in annoyance, I opened my eye's and found the bed empty which wasn't surprising. Lately Laney rarely sleeps. She's so focused on planning out rescues to get the remainder of our family home. Not that I blame her, we all are but she's beginning to wear herself thin. Having no rest along with the stress of our situation is taking a toll.

Eyeing the clock I saw that it was nearly six in the morning. Filled with anger I jumped from bed and slid into some clothes. Just as I had figured, I found her in the study pouring over notes and maps. "Did you even come to bed last night?" My voice boomed out.

Laney jumped and glanced at me for a brief second before turning back to her paper's. "Yes, I did London". She replied vaguely.

" Don't lie to me". I said in a warning tone stepping closer to her.

"I went to bed around eleven last night and you had yet to come". I said deeply.

" I came shortly after but woke around three. There's too much to be done".  She said with her attention still on the paper's.

Losing my cool, I slammed my hand down hard on top of the paper's she was so intent on studying. "This stops now. We all want them back but we need to work together. You haven't had decent sleep in a long time. Take your ass to bed now and you will start coming to bed when I go. Am I understood?"

" London you don't understand. I've got so much going on right now". She begin.

Taking a tone I hadn't used on her in year's I gripped her arm snuggly. "You will do as I say. Do not make me punish you".

" Fuck you". Her voice cracked like a whip.

"You know what? That's it". I said tossing her over my shoulder and storming to our room.

Placing her on the bed I left the room and locked the door behind me. She will sleep one way or the other. Not long after lunch hour's I went to check on her and found her sleeping soundly. As careful as I could I crawled in bed and pulled her to me. Instantly she jerked away from my hold apparently having woke up and still mad. I stifled a laugh and pulled her back. "Don't be mad baby doll. I'm only worried about you and looking after you".

Silence. So I tried a different tactic. "Why don't you take a nice bath while I whip up your favorite egg omelette?"

" Fine". Laney grunted and went to get up but I refused to let her go.

"Not until you kiss me". I teased.

She finally gave in and begin to laugh. "Oh how I hate you London Harper" .

"That's okay. My love is strong enough for the both of us".

Not long afterwards Laney joined me in the kitchen where her omelette awaited. As she begin to eat she spoke. "Have everyone meet me in the conference room in thirty".

" Why might I ask? " A bit curious.

"Well had you have not locked me away before allowing me to explain you'd know". She said smartly.

I shook my head at her stubbornness and went on to inform the other's. It wasn't long before Laney appeared and everyone was waiting. She grabbed up the paper's she had been lurking over earlier and studied them for a minute before speaking. "I'm just going to come out with it. We have a tough job up ahead. You must know that we can't continue doing separate rescues. They are on to us and after our last rescue I'm sure they will need up security. It's only a matter of time before we need up or they smarten up. What I'm about to suggest is ludicrous but I think we can make it work".

Laney paused as all eye's were fixed on her. "I've discovered that they transferred Cole into a mental facility due to an attempted suicide."

A few mummers of concern and sounded off in the room. "I'm not certain just what he did but I do know that his mind isn't well. Unfortunately I can't use Miri due to her condition so I enlisted you Sam. I fudged an application to the place and you are now a nurse. You and a team will go in. Of course you will go in alone and get Cold even if you must drug him and the team will be waiting nearby".

" Fuck no". Demarco pounded his fist. "She can't do it and even if she could I wouldn't allow it".

Laney stared him down. "She can and she will. It's time you let Sam be more active. If it bothers you so you may be the head of her team".

" Now with that settled we have Conner, Heir and Duel to bring home. We can't do it separate anymore, the authorities are on to us and will expect that. They will be so well guarded that it's already going to be hard who that's why we break into team's and hit at one time. Get this over with so we can take out the slime ball cop and rebuild. "

Severo interrupted her. "And how do you suggest we pull off something of this magnitude?"

" with our men, King's men, Aiden's men and of course yours. We plan it out, set a date and split everyone up into large team's. If we strike at the same time it will send their head's spinning into confusion. Their ready for a single attack but not a multiple attack. "

"You can leave Duel out of the equation. He's the reason we are in this predicament in the first place" . Demarco barked.

Laney's face froze and she slowly walked around to Dem's side of the table and stood before him. In an icy tone she spoke. "Regardless of how you feel Duel is your son and more importantly a Harper. We never leave one of our own behind. Once Duel is back and able to explain himself only then will we judge and come to an decision. Understood?"

Demarco grunted as Laney stared him down harshly. "I will see to it that you are not placed on the team responsible for his rescue. I feel your anger could be too much of a risk and I will not have this blown".

For the remainder of the day we all put our head's together and came up with a plan. Never had this woman amazed me more. In less than a week it would all go down. In the end Demarco insisted on being with Sam for Cole's rescue.

All too soon I found myself bidding Laney goodbye but not by my choice. She thought it was better if we were on different team's because she feared that I would be more concerned about her and not focused. She was partially right but I still didn't like the idea of her going in without me. I would be going in after Duel while her team would be seeking Heir. Aiden would go after Dinner while King stayed back to ensure no surprises popped up while we were away.

Minutes before my team was about to ambush the prison King gave me a call with some bad news. He was just informed that Duel had been relocated earlier this morning and he wasn't sure where. Even though I was frustrated I was glad we found out before we went in on a pointless mission. The next few day's was filled with confusion and chaos. Cole was in bad shape mentally and we had to lock him up alone. There was no way I would allow him near Miri while either was in this condo but once the meds kick in it should be okay. Conner was sick with worry over Zoe's disappearance and was eager to get out of this hidden bunker and search for her. This caused much tension between Dem and Conner. Demarco held Zoe as much responsible as he did Duel. On a few occasions we had to separate them from coming to blows.

In the meantime we were trying to locate Duel's new location but it was harder than we thought. After all of the escapes and rescues they was keeping everything mum. My only hope was that we would locate him sooner rather than later. I'm grateful for Severo's hospitality but this hidden bunker was getting to small for all of us and our tensions were running high. The sooner we are out the sooner we can restart.

Laney pulled it off!!

Do you think Cole will get through this?

Should London allow Cole to see Miri now or could Miri's condition be too much for his fragile mind? In other word's drive him on over the edge?

Will Conner locate Zoe? Wonder where Zoe is at now? Will Conner and Demarco eventually come to blows over this?

Wonder where Duel could be now and will the Harper's be able to rescue him?

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from all of you!!

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