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Cameron: Bye katie

you watch katie walk out of the classroom as you calmly collected your things. you swing the grey jansport backpack around you shoulder and walk out the door with your head down.

you crashed into a towering figure and you rested your hands on their chest.

damn. toned abs?

Cameron: god damn why is everyone crashing into me? watch where your goin-
Mattia: are you lost babygirl?



are you lost babygorl??


just a lil foreshadowing for future chapters🥰


Cameron: ew don't call me that

you looked down and saw your hands on his chest.

you immediately swing your hands off of him and patted them on your ripped jeans.

you turned around and started to walk away until mattia grabs your wrist and swings you back facing him.

Mattia: leaving already?

Cameron: why exactly would i stay, polibio??
Mattia: i mean i don't know? maybe you can show me something.

his grip got tighter around your wrist

Cameron: ew never. you pig. get your musty hands off of me.

his eyes widened at the words you spoke.

Cameron: um hello? wanna let go??

mattia rolls his eyes and lets go of you. you don't say anything and walk away normally.


i need someone right now. jenna do be looking mighty fine right now.


the y'all boy walks towards jenna and pulls her into the bathrooms while making out.

10 minutes later

mattia and jenna are both panting

Jenna: was that good baby?
mattia: no
Jenna: w-what?
Mattia: this got old. i need someone new. your not good enough.
Jenna: wait but i thought you wanted to-
Mattia: you thought wrong jenna. i just needed someone at the moment. u were standing there with your fat ass. i just had to tap at the moment.

jenna seemed hurt by his words.

Jenna: but-
Mattia: shut up. damn.

he starts buckling his belt as he looks at jenna.

Mattia: you don't ever shut up huh?

he chuckles and takes out a piece of gum. he crumpled the wrapper and threw it and jennas face.

he smirks as he chew on the gum and fluffing his hair out with his fingers.

he squats in front of jenna and caresses her cheek while her eyes are trying so hard not to cry.

Mattia: aw don't cry jen. it's okay. no one ever satisfies me. not even you. not anyone. don't get so hurt over nothing. someday you will find someone that actually cares for you and doesn't just use you hun.

he smiles and winks at her while he stands straight up.

Mattia: see you around jen.

he walks out leaving the girl on the floor half naked.



cameron is writing notes down as a slightly familiar figure pulls the empty chair next to her and sits there. the scent seemed familiar. like fresh cologne.

Ale: hey

you ignored the boy as you kept writing

Ale: hello?


Ale: Cameron
Cameron: god damn what do you want dude?? oh hey dimples.
Ale: it's alejandro
Cameron: oh. right. what to you want alejando.
Ale: where's mattia?
Cameron: aw that's cute. you assume i know where a total stranger is?
Ale: he's not a total stranger.
Cameron: you guys are all strangers hun.
Ale: why you so mean for
Cameron: i'm not mean, i have character.
Ale: bullsht
Cameron: go away rosario
Ale: why do you always sit alone?
Cameron: to avoid annoying people like you.
Ale: that hurt
Cameron: good

you look up from your notes and see kairi looking at you both. he immediately looks down and acts like nothing happened.

Cameron: can u go away?
Ale: why?
Cameron: i like being alone
Ale: why?
Cameron: it's calm and peaceful.
Ale: you forgot boring.
Cameron; damn if you finna insult me so much, the door of over there. oh and your seat is there.
Ale: let's get to know eachother.
Cameron: no
Ale: you did that with mattia.
Cameron: how do u know about that? i barely answered them.
Ale: he told us at the diner after you left. oh why did u leave?
Cameron: busy
Ale: doing
Cameron: fcking your dad
Ale: bro
Cameron: i needed to go.
Ale: why tho
Cameron: can u not ask so many questions it's annoying.
Ale: why you so quiet all the time?
Cameron: ion like talking
Ale: bro whatever

Teacher: attention class. as you may have heard, there is a junior trip going to maine. you will be visiting different museums and attractions. and will be staying at a hotel. the trip will last a week. if you would like to attend, please come up to the front and grab a permission slip. that it all.

Ale: are you going?
Cameron: ha, no.
Ale: why
Cameron; boring.
Ale: no. you can go with your friends.
Cameron: Alejandro. sweetie. i have exactly two friends.
Ale: and
Cameron: bruh easy for you two say you are like super popular. and everyone thinks you are attractive.
Ale: oh so i'm popular? and attractive?
Cameron: i never said that. yes you are popular.
Ale: let's talk about that attractive part
Cameron: no
Ale: so you think i'm attractive?
Cameron: w-what? n-no. i mean yes. i mean, n-no. no.
Ale: your bad at flirting
Cameron; i'm not trying and i don't want to.
Ale: so you don't find me a teeny bit attractive?
Cameron: i mean- you uh. i. i guess?
Ale: i take that as a yes. is that why you call me dimples?
Cameron: no i call you dimples bc you have dimples.
Ale: mhm


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