39: The Mountain

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"You're gonna be Clan Head?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, but not until I'm 16 though."

"Hey, when you finally become Clan Head, I'll be supporting you."

"Thanks." Hiko muttered blankly as he stared into the fire.

"Hiko, I'm just so sorry for everything you went through. You're just a kid, you didn't deserve all that." Yuri comforted Hiko.

Hiko shifted in the grass uncomfortably. "I'm not just a kid anymore, Yuri. My opportunity for a real childhood was lost years ago."

The fire danced as Hiko continued to stare at it. It's heat bringing comfort to both of them. But Hiko still seemed cold, his hands shivering as it clutched to his sides. It's light cast shadows which watched as Yuri stood up and approached Hiko before sitting down beside him. Hiko's eyes remained locked on the small fire they had made as Yuri hugged Hiko.

"I'm sorry Hiko." Yuri held on to Hiko even though he wasn't reciprocating in anyway, until she heard a few small sobs coming from the boy beside her. Finally, Hiko seperated from Yuri and looked at her.

"Thanks. I didn't know I needed that." He wiped his face with his sleeves.

"A hug never hurt anyone." Yuri smiled at him before laying down on the grass. "Goodnight Hiko."

"Sleep tight."

Hiko sat down on the grass away from where Yuri was sleeping. He definitely wasn't gonna be able to meditate with her loud snoring. Crossing his legs, he breathed in and out. He soon entered meditation, the gusts of air, the sounds of crickets in the nearby forest, and the crackle of their small fire seemingly disappeared. But something fell over him, something felt different. He opened his eyes rapidly and got blinded. He was expecting to see the dark sky, instead he was blinded by his bright surroundings. After his eyes had recovered he opened them again slowly. His vision started clearing, he was no longer in that dark plain of grass where he had escaped from the Red Lotus. This place was bright and colorful, plants of different shapes and colors dotted the landscape.

"What the-?" Hiko stood up and looked around at awe. Where was he?

A small rabbit with wings for ears hopped to Hiko, making him flinch. Surprised, he looked to his side to see the small creature, tilting it's head at him.

"Hey there." Hiko bent down to pet the rabbit.

"Where am I 'lil guy?" The rabbit seemed to like being pet by Hiko. Suddenly, it flew into the air and licked Hiko in the face.

"Hey!" Hiko laughed as he gently pushed away the small creature. "You're cute, can you show me how to get out of here?" The small rabbit squeaked and started floating toward a clearing. Hiko followed it, having to run just to catch up. The rabbit stopped at the foot of a huge mountain before turning back to Hiko.

"What is this?" Hiko looked up at the mountain, it's peak reaching the heavens, while dark clouds surrounded it. The darkness above intimidated Hiko, it looked like a sea of just black. "Do I have to climb it?" Hiko looked at the rabbit who simply blinked at him then flew away.

"Wait!" Hiko shouted after the rabbit, but as soon as he turned back, it disappeared. "This is a weird dream." Hiko looked back at the terrifying mountain. Whenever he looked at it, it sent chills down his spine. It made his hands shiver and his legs shake. Seconds of staring became minutes, minutes became hours, until.

"I can't climb it." Hiko took his gaze away from the mountain and walked back to the plain of grass. I have to wake up. But how? Hiko sat back down on the grass and started meditating. Suddenly, he woke up, his head on the grass. Yuri was already awake and was tinkering with the wheel of the truck. She heard groaning from behind her and looked back to see Hiko, getting up.

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