Part 1

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*Note: No characters are my own, all goes to their rightful owner

We were in a steamy dark alley alone in the middle of the night, with nothing better to do. I had the watermelon in my bag, I touch it every once in a while to make sure it's still there, the way I keep touching Grindelwald to make sure he's still there because it's scary. All of a sudden there is a loud crash and I am in his arms staring intently into his eyes and I know I am safe, our heartbeats pound until we can't tell them apart, he runs his hand soothingly through my hair. Before I know what is happening, our lips collide and sparks seem to fly. Before I know it, our mouths start to move against each other, I give a small moan and Grindelwald lowers me to the ground when Mike bursts through the trash cans with more crashing. I was filled with annoyance at our moment being ruined, it was just getting to the good part.

"Goddammit Mike, why'd you choose NOW to show up, we needed you an hour ago for the watermelon heist!?"

"You know I don't care about you and your stupid watermelons! I care about you! Grindlewald, you knew this you slut!" I was taken aback, was he really trying to get between me and my man?

"No, you listen to me you fucking whore, he is my man, get your own!" I said, filled with so much rage it hurt.

The Adventures of Dumbledore and GrindelwaldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora