[ Chapter 35 - In the Basement ]

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"We're sorry it took that long." 

Edward shook his head, smiling widely, "Still that was quite a heist."

"A human heist, if that is actually a thing," Ace joined. 

"Food? Anyone?" I asked when the two of them took their seats. 

"I'm good," Edward smiled before he started to look out the window, he was admiring the clouds. I could not blame the guy, he had been locked up in that room for ten years. It was better to leave him alone for a little while. 

"I'll join you," Ace immediately stood up and followed me to the tail of the plane.

The last time we got in this plane the fridge was filled with food but right now, if it was even possible, there was more food in it. It had about three tubs of ice cream, a variety of yogurt, cookies, sodas, boxes of ice tea drinks, candies, gummy bears, and others I could not even name.

"Do you think Blake always keeps a stash of food here?" I asked. 

"Probably, especially when his girl is always hungry," he chortled and I managed to laugh.

I was about to take a cup of yogurt when I felt Ace wrap his arm around my waist, he then rested his head on my shoulder. 

"Is everything alright?" I asked, he seemed bothered.

"We are getting closer to our goal and with Chase as our prosecutor, I bet the case is as good as ours," he smiled weakly as I continued to grab for the yogurt. 

I closed the fridge before I managed to turn around and face him, "Which is why you should become more vigilant, I bet Macklet and his group of madmen will strike again."

"Say that to yourself, Vandia," his voice sounded stern and I pouted. 

"It's not like I would be doing anything tomorrow, I promise I'll stay at home, alright?" I smiled and he kissed my forehead. The trial was going to be held two days from now which means that their best opportunity to strike would be only tomorrow.

"I'll stay at home too," he kissed my hand before intertwining it with his.

The rest of our flight was quiet, I fell asleep leaning on Ace's shoulders and we both woke up when Blake announced that we were landing very soon. 

"Your friend, Blake was his name, right? He is quite a guy, flying a plane for seven hours straight is not normal," Edward commented just before we began to land. 

"He is actually apart of the navy, nothing he can't do," Ace sounded proud of his friend which made me smile. 

Anne was right, their group of friends was still as solid as ever. 

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