Veteran of The First Siren War And Second Great War/WW2,Get Promote and Awards

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3rd January 1948
1030 hours
Istanbul-Capital of Ottoman empire

General POV

1 year later after the first siren war or the first alien-human war and second world war.The Earth become safe again without war or conflict around the world.The 'Siren' Alien race agree they don't want fighting against Human race and only stay at Antarctica for research and development.You can see Shido and Kolchak become veteran war of The First Siren War/The First Alien-Human War and Second World War.They both get many higher military  medal,badge and order of merit from another countries.Such as:-

Medal of Honour form United States of American/Eagle Union

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Medal of Honour form United States of American/Eagle Union

Medal Imtiyaz (2nd Class) with Ribbon Bar from Ottoman Empire

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Medal Imtiyaz (2nd Class) with Ribbon Bar from Ottoman Empire

Medal Imtiyaz (2nd Class) with Ribbon Bar from Ottoman Empire

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Medal Order Medjidie I with Iron Cresent from Ottoman Empire

Medal Order Medjidie I with Iron Cresent from Ottoman Empire

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Author(EmperorItsukaShido) Daily Life In This UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now