Earth One

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"Gideon open a breach." Sara says to no one, making Clarke frown since no one on board was called Gideon. Suddenly a voice speaks out, scaring her, Raven and Luna.

"Doing it now, Captain." The voice wasn't the same as theirs, the accent more like the British people in the old movies they had on the Ark. Clarke could barely see through to the front from where she was sat, but one moment she could see a fraction of cloud and the next they were flying into a blue hole - or breach - before it turned to blue sky again. "Earth One, three days after you and Mr Allen left to get Miss Danvers on Earth Thirty-Eight."

That made Sara and Barry frown, or at the very least look at each other confused. "Are you sure Gideon?"

"I double checked, this is the current date. We have been gone three days." Gideon replied, making Sara sigh.

Bringing the ship down, Sara landed with a  bump before unlocking her bars. "Well then, welcome to Earth One everyone. If we've been gone three days I don't see the need to time travel. Now, let's drop you off Barry before Iris has my head."

Barry was in the chair next to her, and nodded. "I take it we landed in Star City?"

"Yep. It was fun seeing you but if I was you I'd get back before Iris is calling the Waverider to find us." The doors opened as Barry hugged everyone, helping Clarke, Raven and Luna to their feet at the same time.

"Thank you for your help Barry." Clarke's words were met with a smile before he was gone. The idea that he could do that still baffled the three newcomers, each of them holding an awed and shocked expression on their face.

"I am never going to get tired of the faces people make when they see him do that." Sara laughed, glancing between Clarke, Raven and Luna. "How about we get you three out into the world and to Felicity? We're in Star City already, so it shouldn't take too long to find her." Everyone nodded, about ready to head out when Lena's voice stopped them.

"Are none of you going to address the fact that most of us are dressed for their world, not ours?" Sara's smile dimmed at Lena's reasoning. Indeed the majority of their group was dressed as Grounders, Lena and Kara included and the Jump Ship didn't have a fabricator.

"Why does how we look make a difference?" Luna frowned, not understanding why their clothes were a problem.

Raven looked at the older woman, "Because you stick out like Skaikru in TonDC, bringing attention and attention is something we want to avoid." At her words, Luna nodded, understanding the repercussions of being spotted out and about like Grounders. They fell into silence as they each tried to work out what to do, Clarke being the first to come up with something.

"Where is Felicity right now?"

Sara thought for a moment, "The bunker and even if she isn't I can get us in." smiling at the idea forming in her head. "You are a genius Clarke."

Smirking, Clarke looked at Raven who glared at the two blondes. "Hold on. Clarke's already Wanheda, I'm the genius, she doesn't get that too." Her minor outburst made the rest of them laugh and Clarke smirk more.

Kara smiled at Raven apologetically. "Sorry, but Lena's the genius here."

Lena scoffed. "Coming from the alien that did AP Calculus when she was five." This new information made everyone look at her open mouthed and for Kara to spin to Lena next to her.

"How do you know that?!" She answered her own outraged question with Lena's smirk with one name. "Alex." Spinning to her sister, the brunette laughed. "Why would you tell her that?"

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