Chapter 27

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A/n: I tried to edit chapter 1 to 19 so that they aren't the worst thing in the world.
And for that chapter, I'm not going to write about the matches. I'm sadly not able to write that kind of stuff. And I'm trying to focus on Kageyama and Reader-chan. Hope ya guys forgive me.

Take this as my apology...

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ it's like a Lemon but it got read out loud (for everyone who don't know about this). But don't get ya hopes high... ya thirsty fellows 😂


Author's pov

You woke up with an good feeling. 'Today is going to be a good day for Karasuno' you thought. You walked downstairs and greeted your mother and your brother. You guys ate breakfast together but after that your mom had to go to work. Suga took a shower and you cleaned up until someone massaged you.

Tobio (/>-<)/: Hellu, whatcha doinnn?

Y/n \(>-<\): I just cleaned the rest from the dishes and now I planed on searching something to wear. Aaand yuuu?

Tobio(/>-<)/: I should continue to pack ma things buuuut I got borred and wanted to text the princess herself... UwU

Y/n \(>-<\): hehe it's meeee... I might going to save you as 'The UwU King'. Still thinking about it...
I don't know what to wear... help meee Tobiooo

The UwU King: I'm not withhh yuuu, I can'tt helppp yuuuu.
Yu still alive?
Ur saving my contact as 'The UwU King' am I right?

Princess: NoOoOoOoO wHaT mAkEs YoU tHiNk ThAt??
U still in this world?

The UwU King: yea yea just had to do something.

Princess: wat? Wanna knoww.. tell meee

The UwU King: did someone ever told you that you are childish?

Princess: huhhhh?
Ur a meanie.. hmpfff
Anyway... I'm going under the shower now and I'm not using my glitter princess shampoo with cherry scent... hmpff

The UwU King: nuuuu I liked that... it smells so good...
Is it too late to say that you are a cute childish person???

*blushing the hell out of you*

Princess: I really have to take a shower now before I get late. See yaa ma UwU King (/^-^)/

*blushing the out of him*

The UwU King: K, see ya ma princess

"Geez that sounds like you guys are a couple" Koushi said while looking over your shoulder. "What are you doing here??? And why are you reading the chat from me and Tobio?" You said and he winced. "Should you go under the shower... I'll get you something to wear" he said nervously and pushed you out of your room. You showered and put your clothes on that your brother put out for you. A white Karasuno shirt and black jeans with your Karasuno jacket and some black Vans. (You don't have to wear this if you don't want to).

The Spring High-Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs began.
(I definitely didn't copied that out of the internet😂)

Everyone was excited and nervous... really nervous. You watched the boy's but as you saw Yamaguchi feelimg ill because of that, you ran up give him a bottle water and a pat on his back. He tried to smiled at you but yeah guess you can think what the matter was. Not soon after, the First Preliminary part of the playoffs began. And Karasuno had to play against Ohgiminami High School. The boys warmed up and you helped. You threw the ball to Kageyama and he set it to the others. Every once a while, he would secretly peek at you and smile everytime you see him. And you, you would catch him, blush at his behaviour and smile back. The whistle chimed and the boys walked to thier places. You walked up to Shimizu, Takeda sensei and coach Ukai.Ohgiminami High School are pretty weak but it was still a good game. They won 2:0 and everyone cheered.

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