The Pleasure in Pain... (Draco Malfoy love story) - Outcast

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A/N: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER!! as much as I wish I do I have no rights what so ever to the characters or setings. only the fact that I am bending the characters to do my every whim. Thank and ENJOY!!

Chapter 4 - Outcast.

As the train pulled into the station at Hogsmede Hermione and I had to direct the first years towards the boats and make sure the other years were off the train. It was tedious but as head prefects we had to do it. I sighed as we boarded the last carridge back up to the school building. I tried to ignore the Thestral pulling the carridge but it was very hard. I kept giving the black beast sideways glances. Before they had been just another dark thing in my life, but now that I had the time to actually look at them I saw just how strange they really are. With their skeletal wings and their thin figures so you could see every bone. They were rather intimidating! I looked across at Hermione who had her nose buried in a copy of Hogwarts a History. and didn't seem to notice the beast pulling the carridge but I knew that she could see it as she patted it before she boarded the cart. I shivered slightly, my jacket offering little protection from the harsh winds. I looked at Hermione who was also shivering and felt a pang of what must be sympathy and gently placed my coat over her shoulders. She looked up at this with a highly confused look in her eyes. I just shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"What are friends for eh?" I said cheerily. I didn't know why I was so insanely happy at this particular moment of time but I was. My good mood was ruined somewhat when I walked into the Great Hall quietly talking with Hermione. As soon as we entered all conversation stopped and everybody turned to face us.

"Seems we are extremely popular!" I joked and Hermione laughed before giving me a hug and walking off towards glasses and weasel bee. I smiled and walked to the end of the Slytherin table that was completely un-inhabited. I looked up at all the horrified Slytherins that were staring at me like I had just grown a second head. I looked at them and raised my right eye quizickly. I sighed and settled down to await McGonnegal's speech. I rested my head on the table only to raise it when someone sat down next to me. I looked at them, they were a smallish girl with long black hair that fell dead straight down to her waist. I sighed and rested my head back on the table and closed my eyes trying to get some much needed sleep.

"So you're hanging around with mudbloods now. I can't believe it! Your from one of the greatest pureblood families and yet you let that filth touch you! I can't belive you!" She ranted. I quickly cast a silencing spell around me so that I was in my own little bubble. Sadly upon noticing this the really rather annoying girl took it down. I sighed and turned to face the other way but she pulled my head back to face her with magic. I sighed heavily. This girl was persistent!

"What do you want?" I said grumpily.

"I want to know why you let a filthy mudblood touch you but not a person of one of the oldest pureblood families left. You used to be in the inner circle of the Dark Lord himself, you were one of his Death Eaters, what happened to make you change so drastically?" She asked sounding genuinly confused.

"Look-" I said not knowing her name at the time.

"Carmen." She said simply.

"Look Carmen I have my reasons. Yes I was in his inner circle but not by choice. I hated every moment of it. Knowing that the Dark Lord is living in your house and that if you sleep a minute too late then he will kill you in your sleep. It scared me and I'm not afraid to admit that. Knowing that he would torture me for not being cruel enough when interrogating prisoners scared me along with the fact that I would get killed if I failed in my tasks. I was scared and I failed over and over again!" I pulled up my sleeve and showed her the mangled Dark Mark on my arm. She gasped at the word carved into my arm. "This is why I disappeared from the wizarding world. This is why I am afraid to sit with other people at meals. This is why I have befriended Hermione Granger, who may be muggle-born but still is the smartest, kindest, most caring person I have ever met. Better than any Slytherin I have ever met to be honest! Now if you don't mind I am trying to get some rest and you are disturbing me." I said before putting my head back on the table and facing the other way. She sighed and actually grabbed my head turning it so I was looking into her deep brown eyes. I sighed and thought how much longer would it take for McGonnegal to start the stupid speech already so that this pureblood obsessed maniac would let me go. I think that she is completely mad, almost as mad as Pansy was. Why was it that there were a loud of blood-status crazy girls convinced that they were the ones to "carry on the noble Malfoy blood-line by producing a worthy air". What a load to non-sense! I hated the fact that all these crazy people wanted to virtually rape me to produce an heir for me, one which I really don't want.

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