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Bill POV

I couldn't pull myself from the couch, he had left just a few days ago but the world came to a screeching halt.

I could still feel how the sun warmed my skin, his arms wrapped around my neck, pink bleeding into blue sky and green shining leafs dance on the back of my eyelids every time I blinked. His heart beat against my chest, I could feel every breath, every half hearted laugh, the wind brushed his hair against my cheek. My own heart beating lightly in my chest, I could still hear the light humming of the world around me, the birds chirping in the trees around us. The sun made his light skin glow golden in color, the way his hands played with my shirt, my hair, the feeling of his head on my shoulder, on my chest, the weight of his body in my arms, my hands under his legs and back, around his waist.

The memories blurred in with each other, my brain wanting to replay both moments over and over at the same time, but they ended so differently. One so painful I buried it deep in my head and home, the other slowly rocked us both into sleep.

I buried it, got rid of everything, everything but the journal, the journal.

I stood slowly from the couch, floating on the balls of my feet to the library. The journal was still on the floor where we were, I hadn't put it back after he left.

Swiftly I lifted it from the ground taking it into my arms, the movement made me think of Pinetree, the way he would hold my journal to his chest.

I sat down in my favorite chair with the journal in my lap, I opened to the pages I let Milo right on, I've read these pages before but I haven't in a long time since I stopped feeling the pain and anger of that day.

He wrote it as a letter, to this day I have no idea who it was addressed to, but he knew whoever it was would never read it, only I would, yet I could tell it wasn't a letter for me.

As Pinetree pointed out he writes a lot about me, about what he liked about me. He spoke about my home and the little house plants he tricked me into keeping.

I started reading the first page, slowly my finger moved over to the second following under my eye line, I flipped the next page, reading over it with the same feeling in my gut as the last two pages, the last page of writing was only half a page. And he finished it with a sweet take out note for me.

"Bill I know you're reading this even though you said you wouldn't you little snoop, Come find me I want to go on a walk."

He didn't care what time it was anytime I read this or worked in this journal he want me to find him and join him for a walk.

I read it again.

I read it one more time.

Then, I put away the journal.

I was going to walk out the library to my room for some sleep, but an empty spot on my shelves caught my eye.

One of my journals was missing. One of my journals is missing. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.

Pinetree, Pinetree took it, he stole from me again. Again.

I breathed, pushing my hair back, this boy does not learn.

Lowsmith POV

His brow twitched and his lip curled, fumes almost shot out of his ears, but whatever he was about to spew got caught in his throat by someone else's introuption.

"Where is he."

It was a statement not a question, and the voice was a new one to this group. I had to turn to see the man it belonged to because he stood lean on the door frame behind me. But some people knew him because I could feel the air in the room leave.

The man was tall, 6 foot or 5'10, blond hair and tan skin.

"You hear me, where is he. I know you've been out looking for him. He said he was coming back here, but I don't see him here so where'd he go?" he said again his arms crossed over his chest, I could feel the slow rising anger in him.

"It's you." Mabel Breathed.

"Son of a bitch!" Ford growled, in a moment the man was standing in front of us, his hand on Ford's chest, in that moment I knew who he was.

"I don't have time for this, but for you. For what your hands have done. I will make time. ONCE, I've found Pinetree." He looked at me, a weight pressing into me, but he didn't touch me, "Where is he?"

"We don't know, we got this letter this morning from him. He sent it to me" I held the letter out to him, but he didn't take it. Instead he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't lie to me. You know where he is." His eye locked on mine.

I held still, I didn't want to give way that I knew to the rest of them, but in the face of this man, this god. I simply held my breath.

He looked to the letter, his fingers slid down my wrist till his hand met with the note, he took it and opened it with one hand the other still holding back Ford. After barely half a second he looked back up, meeting my eye.

"He sent this to you? Who even are you?" He asked leaning in almost as if he was inspecting me from the inside out, which I don't doubt he could actually do.

"My name is Captain Lowsmith I am head of the police in this town-" His face contorted and he growled a deep and primal sound mimicking that of ravage animal.

"I do not. Care. About your position. Why would He send you the letter?"

"I don't know, Dipper's a smart boy, he'd know I wouldn't react strongly upon first reading and that I would follow his requests instead of going after him. He makes it clear in the letter he doesn't need us looking for him anymore." I said quickly all under one breath.

"He left this at your home then?"

"Yes." I lied.

"Take me there then." He crumpled the letter and pressed it into my arm as he grabbed hold of it again. He took a few steps back, his arm still stretched out in Ford's direction and he pulled me forwards with him. Before anyone could take a step to follow, he said, "The rest of you must stay here. The boy stole from me. He is mine." He growled again before tugging hard on my arm, dragging me from the kitchen out of the house with ease even though visually he presents shorter and leaner than me.

Once away from the shack he slowed, but he didn't let go of my arm, "Alright, we're away from the crowd now stop lying to me." He hissed as a warning.

"I apologize, but I didn't want to turn the Pines against me just yet, if they knew I knew where his is, they, well Ford might just lose it." I laughed a little, not sure of how I should talk to this literal god. The way Dipper spoke of him in his letter made him sound human, but he also spoke of him as a friend both in the letter and when we met in the forest. As for me however, I'm not sure how to address him to keep from pissing him off.

"You know where he is. Tell me now." He hissed again.

"The letter was given to me by Wendy, So I'm pretty sure he will be at her place." I explained.

His eyes darted back to the house, as if he thought about going back for her.

"I know where she leaves and all the property her family owns." I said quickly, drawing his attention back to me.

"Take me to her house then, we should start there."



Your Boi is finally working, quarantine laws have lifted on my work place so I'm allowed to go in and work. The only downside is it's summer and 100 degrees outside and I have to wear jeans, a black shirt, and a mask. So I'm melting, but hey I'm getting paid.

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