Mizu Mizu BBQ

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Walking around, I was eating some BBQ meat sticks that were really delicious from Sanji who had cooked up a whole feast. Sanji's cooking was always amazing. It seemed that everyone from the Franky family to the two Giants seemed to be here except Robin. Using my Observation Haki, I walked to only find Aokiji with Robin behind the wall. I decided to not interfere with their conversation so I sat on a bench and waited. I'm glad Robin found a place to finally harbour herself. Even Aokiji seemed happy.

Before Aokiji left, he spotted me on the bench and walked over to me with his bike next to him. I offered him a BBQ meat stick and he took it with a slight surprised look on his face. I have forgiven him for what he did to us back on the island since bearing grudges would do no good. He was very quiet before he nudged for me to follow him. It was quiet at the path. There was really no one around us.

"I forgive you Aokiji. So what brings you here?"

"Ararara, I wasn't expecting that. I was going to ask if you had any more sweets."


Handing Aokiji a bag, it was full of cookies. I thanked him for teaching me to use Armament Haki and he was surprised that I managed to somewhat use the bare basics. I pouted and disagreed before I showed him my chipped sword for proof. He ruffled my head and reassured me that I would learn more about Haki soon enough. I brought out his note that he left and angrily pointed at it to demand and explanation while he just let out a lazy chuckle with a shrug. He took his leave with his bicycle soon after.

Heading back, I headed into the in before someone passed me the newspaper. Thankfully, aside from our crew, no one was wanted for the incident on Enies Lobby. Once I was reminded of Franky building the ship, I went over there to help. I'm not a carpenter but I am a tinkerer. I saw Pauli, Iceberg and a few others along with Franky at the side of the beach. I rolled up my sleeved before asking if I could help.

"How, you're weak."

"Don't say that Franky, (M/N) is a really good tinkerer. He can help with the mechanical components of the ship." Iceberg rested a hand on my shoulder.

Franky gave in and I got to work with the not just the mechanics but the blueprints of the pipeworks too before Franky and Iceberg approved of them with a few minor edits. I explained to everyone how the mechanical components worked to provide more efficient fueling which Franky seemed extremely excited for. It took several days and I didn't spend any time with the crew sadly. It required a lot of effort and there were a few setbacks along the way but we overcame them. I would find the best mechanical solutions for the ship with different gears and the best oil for it. I learned a lot more about carpeting too.

All in all, it was an amazing ship and everyone was proud of it. It took a week at least to build it. My boat got a upgraded too. It wasn't that much bigger but had better materials and was more space efficient. Collapsing onto the ground, I stretched my arms as I cheered. One of the Franky family came over with a panicked look. Getting up, I grabbed the newspaper and looked at my bounty. I didn't even get to read it yet Pauli who was looking over my shoulder spat out his water in shock. Thank goodness that he didn't hit me. Iceberg came over and peered down before he stiffened. I took a good look at my bounty.

'Sweet Deadly Baker-(M/N)
Wanted Alive

Bounty: 400,500,068 Beli'

"Woah! They really increased it!" I mused

Pauli hit my shoulder before he pointed out the 'Only Alive' part. I wondered how badly did they need me and what for. If Lucci said it was a domestic life that means that they didn't want to hurt me at least so I could cross out torture. I scanned over the page and saw Luffy's sitting at 300,000,000 Beli, Zoro was 120,000,000 Beli, Robin at 80,000,000 Beli, Nami at 16,000,000 Beli and even Chopper had a bounty of 50 Beli.

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