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Alana Salvatore

" Are you ready to go home, Nico? " I cooed rocking my son back and forth.

The grey eyes monster stared at me with his wide eyes clearly judging my obsession over him before yawning making a cute o shape on his mouth.

This baby would grow up one day and go around breaking hearts. Nicholas looked just like his father it was like he didn't have a mother at all, just his father's gene in his little body.

" Why haven't anyone visited us the last three days? " I asked when Seth appeared at the hospital door carrying baby bags in both hands.

He looked restless with dark circles under his eyes and a slightly grown stubbles creating a five o'clock shadow making him even sexier. My husband had been very helpful these last few days at the hospital taking care of our baby while I was asleep and helping me around.

" I specifically ordered them not to come. This is family moment. I wanted to spend it with only you two. " he said helping me out of the door.

" But, Dean and Noel are here. And, were standing outside the door the whole time. " I asked cocking an eyebrow at him.

" You need extra protection. And, the others are waiting at our house right now. " he shrugged.

When we reached the front gate, Dean and Noel were already there waiting in front of a black SUV. They both peaked at little Nicholas before breaking into a big grin.

Holy shit. These two never smiled. And, I didn't have a camera in my hand. Damn it.

" He looks just like the Don. " Dean said.

I nodded my head smiling even though I was sad deep down that this son of mine didn't look like me at all. Ungrateful brat I carried him around for nine months for him to look like his father.

I put Nico in his car seat and then rest my head on Seth's chest causing me to immediately fell asleep, the hospital bed was uncomfortable as hell and was nothing compared to this human pillow.


Seth poked my cheek as we reached the gate of our new home, a home that came straight out of my head.

We were finally moving out of the estate and started a new family here in our new home. I would miss living with Victoria but she assured me that she would always visit because her god son would be living here after all.

" Let me see my grandson. " Gianna squealed technically running in her heels toward us with Steven following behind.

" Are you sure that's not our son? I think that's Seth. " Steven gasped.

Seth handed Nicholas to his grandmother and she swooned right then and there crying out happy tears. With her grandson in her arms she walked back into the house totally ignoring mine and Seth's presence.

" Suddenly, I was not her favorite boy anymore. " my husband sighed placing his hand on the small of my back leading me into the house.

I chuckled at him softly as we both walked into the crowded living room. They were all hovering over my confused son trying to get a closer looks at the new little Don.

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