Chapter 37

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Caitlyn's POV:

I woke up the next morning and went back to school like I said I would. I was still feeling worried about Calum and Michael, but I knew that Luke would protect me and make sure that nothing happened to me. Throughout the whole day of school, I hadn't seen them once. However, the lesson before lunch was English, and Calum was in my class.

After being let out of my science class early, I was standing outside my English class waiting to go in and sit down. Normally I wouldn't mind English so much because when Jasmine moved to our school she was put in our class, but she isn't in school because she has the flu, so I'm all alone. Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders and I literally jumped out of my skin.

"It's only me, calm down." Luke said, laughing. He reached out his hand and brushed a finger under my eye, probably getting something off of my face.

"You really scared me; I thought that you were Calum or something." I told him, after looking around and checking that Calum wasn't near us.

"No, just me. I still haven't seen them around today, maybe they're not in." Luke told me. I stood leaning against the wall and he moved his hand out, resting it on the wall next to me.

"I doubt that." I replied, shaking my head. Calum and Michael are always in school, they barely ever have time off. If they're not in school, it's mostly when they leave school at lunch and skip the rest of the day.

Luke stood outside my class and waited with me before I had to go in, and just as my teacher called us inside, Calum appeared from the end of the corridor. Luke looked in the same direction that I was looking and sighed. When Calum was closer, Luke stared at him and gave him a dirty look before looking back at me.

"I'll meet you at lunch, okay?" he said, squeezing my hand.

I nodded my head and smiled at him before walking into my classroom. I sat down in my seat in the middle row, next to the window. A boy with long greasy hair sits next to me, but he doesn't really talk much so I don't really mind.

Our teacher started talking about our class project that she would be assigning us today. Last lesson, she had told us that we would probably be working with the person who we sit next to because she doesn't like us picking our partners because we would never get our work done. As I listened to her speak, I got more and more nervous when she told us that she had picked our partners instead.

"I put people together who I don't really see talking that much, that way you can get to know each other and do the project without getting too distracted because you're paired up with friends." she explained, walking over and sitting down at her desk.

I sat and chewed on my already short nails as I waited for her to find the list of partners on her laptop. When she got the list up, she went through everyone, and it seemed as though I was at the bottom of the list. When Jasmine's name was called, I crossed my fingers under the table and hoped that I would be her partner, but the boy sitting next to me was paired with her.

"Caitlyn, you're with Calum." she told us, before continuing to read her list. 

My hands started sweating, and I didn't even know how to react. I nervously looked over at Calum who was sitting there smirking. He saw me looking at him and sent me a sarcastic smile and wave, making me even more worried.

Somehow I got through the rest of the lesson without crying or something. As soon as I saw Luke standing outside the classroom waiting for me, I started to feel all upset. Luke looked into the room and his eyes met mine. I saw him frown slightly, and then our teacher finally told us that we could leave.

Bullied By Luke Hemmings.Where stories live. Discover now