36: throne

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Taehyung sat in the kitchen with Jimin. He was eating noodles with soja and a miso soup.

(a/n: thats a really good breakfast....I love that)

Jimin had a lot of questions for taehyung that he wanted to know about yesterday but he didn't ask them.

It's not his place to know those things.

"was it good?" Jimin asked after Taehyung slurped the last bit of soup away.

"very!" taehyung said happy and smiled wiping his mouth.

Today he wore something else. Something Jimin had chosen for him when they were on earth. a white button up with wide pants

"well i will clean this up"

"okay" taehyung said and walked out of the kitchen. He was going to find Jeongguk.

Which was not difficult, he could feel a strong presence coming from on direction and that lead to the throne room.


"get the fuck off my throne" Jeongguk said walking towards Mingyu who sat there with a grin.

"its my throne as well"

"no it isn't"

"it is, i am your brother, i should be king!" Mingyu shouted angry and stood up.

"you are not my brother. You are not even from my family"

"that's because you don't have one" mongyu said back.

Jeongguk poked his cheek annoyed and scoffed. But he didn't talk back.

"you are just a creation they regretted. Nothing more"

"step aside. This is mine. I earned it unlike you" jeongguk said shoving Mingyu away. He sat down on his throne.

He had earned this spot in his past. He had fought Mingyu, for a place in the family and that ended up him becoming the devil.

And now, Mingyu was angry at Jeongguk from taking what should have been his.

The two were at the point of jumping at each other's throat when the doors opened.

Jeongguk immediately sensed it was Taehyung.

But so did Mingyu.

"he should be mine as well"

"no he fucking does not" Jeongguk glared at Mingyu. His eyes darken.

"Taehyung, come here" he said moving his hand at the angel.

The devil didn't like Mingyu being closer to taehyung that he was. He preferred having taehyung in his arm reach.

Just in case.

Taehyung did as told walking to Jeongguk who had his eyes fixed on Mingyu who was looking at taehyung as he passed.

"he will never be in your hands" Jeongguk said once taehyung was in his reach. Wrapping his arms around his waist and pull him closer. "and besides, he will be better if with me than with you."

Taehyung had no idea what the conversation only that it was now about him. He just stood there being uncomfortable by Mingyu's gaze.

"who knows, we will see who sits there in the end" Mingyu said with a grin and stepped back. "see you around" before he walked away he gave one last look at taehyung.

"what/did he want?" taehyung asked once the demon had left.

"he wants everything that i own"


"we have a past, and that's it" jeongguk said and pulled taehyung on his lap."but don't worry. I won't let him get you. You are mine and mine only"

Taehyung had to smile by that. It was nice having a place he could call...Home? He had been feeling more comfortable here each day that passed.

And now he accepted Jeongguk in his heart he wanted to be around the devil all time.

"you know you were really beautiful last night, just perfect" jeongguk said with a smirk pulling taehyung's chin up.

The angel blushed embarrassed remembering it.

"hm my pretty little angel" Jeongguk said as his eyes glowed. He pulled taehyung forward and connected their lips.

Taehyung's hands that were resting on jeongguk chest clutched the devil's shirt.

Jeongguk moved his hands over taehyung's back and neck. Feeling the skin that was almost just as soft as the angels lips were.

Then he parted moving to taehyung's neck. Sucking a dark hickey on his skin.

"a-ah" taehyung gripped the shirt tighter feeling the devil's lips move over his neck like that.

"Jeon, can you keep your hands to yourself for a moment?" jimin said as he walked in with a plate.

"i don't want to" jeongguk said and shamelessly liked over taehyung's neck before leaning back in his throne watching Jimin approach.

"well here is your breakfast, better say, thank you" Jimin said handing jeongguk the plate which had the same breakfast as Taehyung had.

The devil put it on the angels lap like it was a table.

"well where is my 'thank you jimin, you are the best'?"

"thanks Jimin but you are not the best" jeongguk said with a grin

Jimin gasped fakely and shook his head

"i am the best" jeongguk added and jimin chucked.

"well what did i expect from you..... I will get going again" jimin said and took his leave.

"Jimin makes good food" taehyung said looking at jeongguk eating the soup.

"then i will make you lunch and dinner." jeongguk said "my food is better"

"then why didn't you make breakfast


"im lazy"

"oh....Okay" taehyung chuckled smiling and looked patiently how jeongguk ate his food.

"here" the devil held his spoon with soup in front of taehyung's face.

"i already ate"

"it wasn't a question" jeongguk said and lifted a brow.

Taehyung then accepted the soup and ate it of the spoon. Making jeongguk smile.

"good" the devil said and continued.


"Ppoo Ppa Ppoo poop!"


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