Tetsurou start!

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"You seem to be looking for someone all the time." Tetsurou approaches Daichi with a bottled water in hand. He handed the bottle to Daichi and sat next to him.

"I... I can't seem to get someone out my head for a week now." Daichi said and Tetsurou looked around and saw the others were busy learning the new steps.

"When did it started?" Kuroo asked seriously and Daichi sighed.

"That time we went to a concert last week." Daichi said and Kuroo nodded.

"How do they look like?" Kuroo asked and Daichi took out his sketchpad and  look looked around first and showed the sketch to Kuroo.

"Wow... its been a week but it still fresh in your memory. You got it bad man." Kuroo said and ruffled Daichi's hair.

"I'm not ready to tell Tooru, Yuuji and Koutarou yet." Daichi said and Kuroo nodded.

"I understand. Why can't you keep him out of your mind? I understand he's a pretty boy but we have lots of pretty faces in our campus." Kuroo said and Daichi kept his sketch pad inside his bag.

"He... he was actually dancing haplily without a care in the world and then for a split second he cried and secretly wiped his tears away before he went back in having fun. It was not tears of joy." Daichi said and Kuroo hummed and nodded.

"I see. Then have you tried searching for him?" Tetsurou asked and Daichi sighed and nodded.

"Semi had seen his face before but he cant remember when or what course he took." Daichi said and Kuroo nodded.

"Need help in searching for that guy?" Kuroo offered but Daichi politely declined.

"I guess this is not that important Tetsu. Lets... just try to ignore this thing." Daichi said and Kuroo pats his shoulder before they went back in practicing.

As they were practicing, a knock interrupted them and a tall, skinny but stunning guy entered the room He had blond locks and he was wearing glasses.

Kuroo felt excitement in his system when he saw the really attractive male enter the room.

"Kei-chan!" Tooru smiled at the tall blondie who bowed politely.

"Sakusa-senpai, these are the snacks that our faculty prepared for you and your friends. Have a nice day." The blondie said quietly amd left.

Tetsurou watched the door closed and he hurriedly ran to Oikawa and Sakusa.

"Tell me his naaaaammeeee!" Kuroo said and Semi chuckled.

"You've got good tastes." Tendou said.

"What year is that guy? Ah. He called you senpai so he's a freshman. Tell me his name Kiyoomi. Why do you know him Tooru?" Tetsurou asked curiously.

They all gathered in a circle and started eating the snack that the faculty of Medicine prepared for them.

"He is Tobio-chan's friend. He also went to the nightclub last time... he was also at the concert. Haven't you noticed?" Tooru asked.

"No. What's his name?" Kuroo asked Sakusa who sighed.

"He's Tsukishima Kei, a freshman." Sakusa said and Kuroo smiled happily.

"He was so tall and have you seen the way he-"

"We get it Tetsu. You have a crush on that freshman." Koutarou snorts and shoved fries on Tetsurou's mouth.

"Do you think he'll come here often?" Tetsurou asked excitedly and his friends smiled including Sakusa.

"Should I ask the seniors? I mean I can request Kei to take care of me till the search. That way you'll see him more." Sakusa said and Kuroo smiled happily.

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