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It was now a couple days later, and this is in third person Pov now!!
Ron and Harry were forcing Hermione to go to a party. So they went. They all had some to drink... and Slytherins were there.
3 months later
Hermione was throwing up every morning. She felt horrible and her stomach was kinda growing just a bit, not a lot showing though.
"Come on no girls are here they are all at hogsmade right now." Ron hissed to Harry as they went into the girls room and to Hermione who had called in sick.
"Hey need anything? Feel any better, worse?" Ron asked her. Harry hugging her.
"There might be something I need at a store, but you have to go to a muggle store." Hermione told them. It was a Saturday so they agreed to go, and they left.
When they were back
Hermione grabbed what they got and went into the bathroom, Ron and Harry waited for 30 mins, then realized it shouldn't of taken this long, they went in. She was crying.
"What happened?" Harry asked running over to her.
"There was something in one of the drinks I had! A potion or something. So when drunk me went into a room with someone, I don't know who, but someone I got... pregnant." Hermione explained crying more and more at every word. Harry and Ron were hugging her.
"What do I do?" She asked.
"We have to figure out the other parent." Ron told her.
"Stay here we will figure it out." Harry explained, then Ron and Harry ran. They went into myrtles bathroom to think of suspects, but when they got in there.
"What do you means pans?" Draco asked.
"Someone poured something into her drink, then we may or may not have fucked..." they heard pansy explain.
"So what?" Blaise asked.
"She has been our sick a lot lately and there are rumors she is throwing up every morning, but refuses to go to madam pomfrey." Pansy explained.
"How do you know this?" Draco asked.
"Because I listen to rumors about Hermione, because I want to hear what's going on because I love her!" They heard pansy blurt out. They were then seen.
"How much of that did you hear?" Pansy asked them immediately.
"All of it, and the rumors are true." Ron told her. Him and Harry were both looking at them suspiciously.
"Can I see her?" Pansy asked them.
"She doesn't want to see you." Harry told her and looked down.
"Come on!" She hissed.
"No!" Ron yelled back.
"Come on Ron, she wants to know." Harry whispered to him as they left.
"Hey Hermione." Harry said as they came in and she was laying there looking as though she was dying.
"Why does this have to hurt so much!" She asked. Then curled into a ball in pain.
"Something was put in your drink. Then you and pansy did it when you were drunk." Ron explained.
Word count: 500

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